Finding Tatum’s Purpose: Volunteering with One True Love

By Tatum Sorrelman

A soup kitchen serving people food

Volunteering is something that I have always enjoyed doing. I love being able to help other people and causes by doing things that not only benefit others, but that benefit me as well.

I volunteered with a nonprofit organization called One True Love. One True Love uses a food truck to feed homeless individuals. They also provide clothing items, hygiene products and other necessities for the homeless. I volunteered with this organization with some of my friends on a Saturday. We spent the day passing out Gatorade and water. It may have been simple, but it goes to show how easy it is for someone to get involved and help someone out.

It’s great to help other people and it gives you a sense of purpose. But that feeling is not the only thing that volunteering for this cause gave me. It showed me that each and every person who was being helped was no different than myself or any of the other people who were there. I was humbled to be able to talk with everyone and learn about their lives and stories. All of this taught me that there are more important things in life than what we tend to focus on. School is important, and so is work and money, but this experience taught me that these things don’t really matter in the end. The experience was amazing.

I loved working with One True Love and I wouldn’t hesitate to get involved with them, or any other volunteer organization, if the opportunity presented itself. Remember, you were blessed to be a blessing.

Check out my experience by watching the video below:

[link url="PoT6Nj96TM4" class="youtube"]Text[/link]

GCU students who want to learn more about getting involved can check out the Community Outreach & Volunteering page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.