Finding Tatum’s Purpose: Volunteering with Thunder Vision

By Tatum Sorrelman

Tatum in front of a Lopes sign

I recently volunteered for Grand Canyon University’s awesome program Thunder Vision, in which different middle schools in the Phoenix area visit GCU to experience what campus and college are really like. It was a blast!

I arrived at Antelope Gymnasium around 10:20 am to help set up tables, water bottles, snacks, T-shirts and more. When the students arrived, we split them up into two groups. Each group received a T-shirt and went on a campus tour and attended a presentation about GCU. The kids were really excited about everything that was going on and that put a smile on my face.

The tour was really fun! The tour guides were very interactive with all of the kids and made it exciting. They were able to see where everything happens and experience what being a student at GCU would be like.

The presentation was also really exciting. The head of Thunder Vision showed the kids all that GCU has to offer. The presentation also gave kids an opportunity to write down questions, which allowed them, even some of the shy ones, to have their questions answered.

Thunder Vision is a great program and a great way to not only get involved in GCU, but also see how it’s shaping others.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.