GCU Ranked as Top 10 College Campus: Student Perspective
By Judah Esparza
Business Management Major, Colangelo College of Business

Last year, Town and Country Magazine created and published a list of the top ten college campuses in the United States. This list includes other universities such as Virginia Tech, UCLA and Stanford. There are a few colleges that stand out on this list because they are being compared to some very prestigious and well-known universities. Yet, one of these noteworthy college is our very own Grand Canyon University!
GCU was ranked as the seventh best college campus, being placed ahead of both Stanford and Rice University. Competing with, and being compared to, these prestigious schools is quite an achievement and puts GCU on the radar for more programs and potential students! The question that everyone is asking is this, what really makes Grand Canyon University so special?
The First Impression
When I first started attending GCU, I was blown away by its view and attractions. The campus has had a large amount of construction in recent years, but as GCU continues to develop and expand, it has a special air of innovation and companionship that I have never felt on any other college campus before. I have no regrets about my college decision because of the connected atmosphere that GCU’s campus caries 24/7! I truly believe that GCU being included in Town and Country’s list of the top ten college campuses is completely accurate because of how modern and accommodating the campus is.
Campus Life
GCU has built additional outdoor seating all around campus, where students can enjoy the sunshine, palm trees and passing friends! Dining options include indoor and outdoor seating, as well as on-campus coffee shops where students can relax, study and do homework or just catch up with friends. Personally, my favorite seating areas on campus are the patio-style chairs right next to the soccer stadium. They are the perfect spot to lounge in and work on homework with friends!
GCU also has some of the best on-campus food options including popular places such as Chic-Fil-A, Habit Burger and Panda Express. One of the main on-campus attractions, next to the awesome athletics, of course, would be Thunderground. Thunderground is the underground bowling alley and game room where students can go bowling, shoot pool, play table tennis or just unwind and watch TV.
Housing and Safety
The living and housing options on campus are ideal with the majority of freshmen dorms being only a couple of years old, along with several brand new apartment buildings for upper-classmen. A typical dorm room includes two bedrooms and a common area, which is often used as a living room and kitchen space. Both bedrooms in these dorms have the capability of housing two or three people, depending on the preference of the students. There will be as many beds as there are students in that bedroom, along with a bathroom and a walk in closet big enough for all roommates to share. This style and setup is standard for all of GCU’s dorms and is available for freshmen all the way through seniors. However, certain dorms have been designated for freshmen only, ensuring a community of students all just beginning their college careers.
There are also six different apartment buildings to choose from that offer all the same features: four private bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and a full kitchen. These apartments are reserved for upper-classmen and are in high demand on campus for their features and hominess! GCU also understands and prioritizes the safety of its students and provides an active public safety force patrolling 24/7. Overall, I feel more at home on GCU’s campus than I have felt anywhere else (except for my actual home!) and I think that GCU should be closer to the number one spot, or even be named the best college campus in the nation!
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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.