GCU’s Summer Job Tips

people talking at a job fair

Landing a summer job is a fantastic way to earn to some independence and, of course, extra cash. But did you know that holding a summer job during your high school years can also make you more attractive to colleges?

College admissions teams are looking for students who use their free time wisely. Summer jobs teach students maturity and a sense of responsibility. It shows drive and a dedication toward self-improvement—great character points—on your application.

With summer officially in full swing, it’s time to get off the couch and hit the pavement. Here are GCU’s top 5 tips for landing a summer job.

Be Professional

Acting like a mature, confident young adult will go a long way in setting you apart from the flock of other teens looking for summer work.  Make sure your job applications are spelled correctly and free of grammatical errors. Use a professional-sounding email address and leave a polite voice mail prompt on your cell phone.

Practice Makes Perfect

Job interviews can be stressful, even for applicants with years of experience. To calm some of your jitters, practice interviewing with someone other than your parents or a friend. Think: counselor, teacher, youth pastor, etc.

Ditch the Cargo Shorts

Dress nicely when asking for a job application and when interviewing. Pick out clothing you’d wear to a religious service (modest, tasteful, no blue jeans) even if the company has a casual dress code. Dressing like a slob will tell any manager exactly what they need to know about your apparent work ethic.

Know Where to Look

Some businesses are notoriously open to hiring teens to fill temporary positions, such as movie theaters, fast food restaurants and retailers. But don’t be afraid to branch out. Consider your career aspirations and research summer internships at companies in those fields. For example, if you’re interested in health care look into open positions at your local hospital. If you want to be a teacher, consider leading kids at a summer camp.

Send a Thank You Card

Remember to send a hand written thank you card after each interview. It’s a simple touch that goes a long way in keeping your name on the top of any hiring manager’s mind and one that many adults routinely forget.

Happy job hunting!

Grand Canyon University’s Office of Career Services provides you with resources, professional knowledge and support to help you successfully transition from college into a career. To learn more, visit the GCU website or use the request more information button at the top of the page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.