Highlighting Scholarship Benefits at GCU

college student finance documents

Grand Canyon University wants to make it easier for learners to fund a private Christian education. We offer Direct Start Scholarships for students who graduated high school between December of the previous calendar year and June of the calendar year that they would like to enroll. International students and students who do not enroll at GCU the semester following high school graduation may be eligible for Indirect Start Scholarships.

For many families, tuition and other college expenses are the most significant factors in the university selection process, and the high costs of tuition lead many individuals to assume that a private Christian education is not an option for them. It’s because of this that at Grand Canyon University, we directly address financial concerns and offer generous scholarship opportunities that boast unique advantages.

Our scholarships are based on academic achievement and renewable for up to eight semesters. In some cases, high-performing students may even increase their award amount without any need for recommendations or essays. These scholarship opportunities provide a sense of financial security for students and help motivate them to maintain or increase their academic performance.

Another one of GCU’s scholarship benefits is that we automatically review all incoming students for our scholarship programs. It’s also worth noting that more than 90% of our traditional learners maintain some level of academic scholarship. Finally, to reward students who have pursued college-level coursework, GCU reviews weighted GPAs as part of the scholarship eligibility process.

If you’re interested in pursuing a private education at our institution, then watch this video highlighting GCU’s scholarship benefits.

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Grand Canyon University offers generous grant and scholarship opportunities to help make a private Christian education affordable. For traditional students who take their courses on our main campus in Phoenix, campus scholarships are available. Speak with a university counselor to learn about your eligibility for these awards by clicking the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.