Honors Student Spotlight: Manuel Sobol

By Cathleen Daly

Honors student and mechanical engineering major Manuel Sobol.

A strong work ethic, a humble attitude and a mind full ideas, backed by a character to take the initiative to turn dreams into reality. These are just a few of the qualities that make up honors student and mechanical engineering major, Manuel Sobol.

Sobol, a San Diego, CA native and a well-spoken individual, is an outstanding example of a student whose hard work and focus have helped him develop an impact-leaving mindset here at Grand Canyon University.

What is the catch, you may ask?

There is not one.

The big surprise in all of this is that Sobol is only a freshman. Sobol’s drive for academic and professional excellence in college have been fueled by his experiences in high school.

Sobol, through earning grades and pursuing projects, was accepted into the Science Academy, which works with USCD and his high school as a blended learning program. Through the Science Academy, Sobol learned how to apply theoretical principles taught inside the classroom to real-life experiences.

Manuel Sobol with UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean.

During summer 2015, Sobol was one of three students from his high school to be accepted into a prestigious collaborative and competitive internship through UCSD. The internship was heavily research- and project-based towards developing cures for the world’s leading illnesses. Sobol was only supposed to participate in this internship for eight weeks; however, after delivering a presentation summarizing his findings and research along with an impressive display of hard work and professionalism, he was awarded a project of his own. Through his awarded project, he studied the potential links to heart attacks and performed various drug tests with the goal of finding a drug that would help prevent heart attacks.

“The information I was given was at a much more advanced level than I was used to. I learned that I could really do a lot more than I thought I was capable of,” Sobol expressed.

When it came time choose a university to attend, a major factor that convinced Sobol to become a Lope was that Grand Canyon University offered students the opportunity to have a hands-on role with the changes happening with the school.

Medicine has always been fascinating to Sobol, and after he graduates with his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, he plans to go to medical school to specialize in orthopedic surgery. With a strong foundation behind him already and success being a given in the future for Sobol, he credits his transition from high school to college to his parents.

“They worked really hard at showing me who a successful person should be. They told me to work hard every single day, have high morals, have strong faith in God and to always be respectful,” he said.

From bonding with roommates to studying for classes, along with everything else that comes with immersing yourself as a freshman into the college experience, Sobol has still found the time to develop and propose several projects with GCU. Being knowledgeable of the school and its opportunities, Sobol’s projects include working with the IDEA Club, developing a more efficient mail delivery system and ideating how to promote entrepreneurship between high schools and GCU.

Sobol’s advice to other freshmen: “These four years set up the rest of your life. Make a plan, set goals and research. If you look hard enough, there will be opportunities here as long as you are willing to put yourself out there.”

Grand Canyon University’s Honors College seeks bright and motivated students who are passionate about learning and making a difference. Learn more by visiting our website or contacting us using the Request More Information button.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.