Honors Student Testimonial: Jedidiah Woods

By Laura Arnold

Jedidiah Woods

Jedidiah Woods, who is known throughout GCU’s campus as “Jed,” is a humble servant leader dedicated to helping homeless and refugee communities. He is ambitious, inventive and enthusiastic toward individuals and lends a listening ear to all people. When you talk to Jed, you know he truly cares about the conversation and wants to hear your testimony. The several years Jed has spent at GCU has led him to start-up businesses, on campus jobs and various projects.

One of Jed’s close friends describes him by saying, “not only is he not afraid to take a risk, but that is all he does, because he enjoys doing it. He is an all round mover and shaker. Most people are either a visionary or executor, but he is most definitely both.”

Jed is passionate about traveling, photography and start-up businesses.

He is known for taking spontaneous trips over weekends with his community of friends. One example of his spontaneity was his entry in Red Bull’s “Can You Make It?” challenge, where Jed and a group of friends from GCU traveled across Europe for seven days using Red Bull as their only form of currency. His passion to travel only continues, as he and his friends have made plans after graduation to travel from Arizona to San Diego reselling mopeds. They plan to take back roads throughout their journey, enjoying the travel and scenery. To conclude their entrepreneurial road trip, Jed and his friends plan to buy one-way cruise tickets to Vancouver, hitchhike to Seattle and then fly back to Phoenix.

Jed works at GCU as a journalist and creates content for the GCU Admissions Instagram account, where he interviews students at GCU and writes features on them and their testimonies. He also writes about awesome things GCU students are involved in and passionate about.

Jed is one of the most well-known and involved entrepreneurs at GCU. He is a part of the company Storage Together and is also the Director of PR for TEDx Grand Canyon University. Despite his heavy involvement with GCU, Jed has also found a way to create his own business called Thoreson Watches. The business model is a for-profit and offers watches as their main product, but also prioritizes and invests in the homeless and refugee communities.

Jed says the Honors College has opened him up to a community of people. It has impacted him because, “they have given me good advice from people within the Honors College, especially Luke Amargo – one of the program managers.” Jed’s experience at the Honors College has set him up for success beyond on graduation.

The Honors College at GCU offers exclusive experiences for bright and motivated students. Learn more by visiting our website or requesting more information using the button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.