How to Pay for College Without Going Broke

By Lauren Abraham

student loan application form with "approved" stamped on it

Having a college education is extremely valuable in today’s world. Not only will a college degree provide you with increased job opportunities, but a college experience can also give you the chance to discover what you are passionate about. While a college education can be very expensive, there is no need to worry!

You can pay for college without going broke by following these tips:

  • Investigate scholarships
  • Fill out the FAFSA
  • Research your college’s financial aid opportunities
  • Earn college credits in advance
  • Work part-time while taking classes
  • Use student discounts

Find out more about these tips below:

Investigate Scholarships

Applying for college scholarships is a great way to cut down the cost of your education. Essentially, a scholarship is money that does not have to be repaid that can help you finance your schooling.

It is very important to start your scholarship search early. Scholarships can be earned many ways, such as by writing an essay, having a high GPA or meeting certain requirements.

At Grand Canyon University, students can take advantage of generous scholarship and grant opportunities to help finance their education. You never know what opportunities may be available to you!

Fill out the FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form that can be filled out with your parents before beginning college. The FAFSA gives you the chance to qualify to receive federal student aid, such as through grants or student loans. In addition to scholarships, using financial aid is another great way to lower the cost of your college education.

Research Your College’s Financial Aid Opportunities 

Universities may offer different options when it comes to tuition and financing. GCU strives to keep tuition costs competitive so that a private, Christian education is within reach for all students.

The university is unique in that it has no out-of-state or international tuition, so education costs are affordable for students across the country and around the world. In addition, GCU also offers scholarships for traditional campus students and scholarships off tuition for online students.

Earn College Credits in Advance

Dual enrollment is a great way for high school students to earn college credit and gain a head start on their degree. GCU is committed to ensuring that high school students receive the same high-quality education they would as a traditional college student, so the university offers dual enrollment online courses and incorporates GCU curriculum into dual enrollment classes at a number of high schools in Arizona. Ultimately, this can allow students to save money by receiving a reduced tuition rate for dual enrollment courses that transfer to their degree program.

Search for Part-Time Employment

Having a part-time job while in college can help to pay for your education. In addition, it can provide you with valuable work experience. Through GCU’s Office of Career Services, students can apply for part-time student worker positions in a wide variety of campus departments. This way, students can enjoy the convenience of working on campus while they earn their degree.

Take Advantage of Student Discounts

In addition to paying for tuition, other costs may arise as you work toward earning your college degree. For example, purchasing textbooks and electronics like laptops and printers can add to the total cost of your education. Many companies offer student discounts on their products, and universities may partner with businesses to provide discounts for their students. Upon starting college, be sure to look into potential student discounts to save money on your education!

Grand Canyon University aims to provide students with transparent information to help them understand the cost of their education. To learn more about the degree programs available at GCU, visit our website or contact us using the Request More Information button at the top of the page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.