My Honors College Experience: Lessons from a Freshman

By Kaylor Jones

Kaylor Jones in her dorm room

In my time so far in Grand Canyon University’s Honors College, I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons regarding academics, career goals and life in general. With the help of the enriching experience provided by the Honors College, here are my findings from the first semester I’ve spent at GCU:

Lose Your Comfort Zone

Don’t let yourself be one of the things that holds you back. If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times, but now is the time to try new things. Saying “yes” to something could be one of the best decisions you make, but you never know until you step outside of your comfort zone. If you’re feeling too safe, it may be a sign to start pushing yourself a little more.

Don’t be Afraid of “Busy”

One of my biggest obstacles in the past was being hyperaware of not spreading myself too thin, but the reality is that sometimes being too busy is better than being not busy enough. Filling up your schedule is often a sign that you’re taking advantage of some of the many opportunities available to you.

It takes time to find the right balance between getting involved and having enough time left over for yourself. Don’t sacrifice homework, sleeping or eating, but it’s important to recognize the value you can get out of your down time. Whether it’s joining a new club, meeting with staff and professors or researching qualifications for your dream job, use your time wisely!

Form Relationships

There’s almost never a bad time to network. The people here at GCU are eager to meet you and help you succeed, so take advantage of that. Don’t be shy, stop in and introduce yourself! Keep an eye out for scheduled events to meet Honors College staff. Just getting your name out there has the potential to open up many new opportunities for you.

Interact with your professors. They care about their students and would love to form a relationship with you. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to visit them during their office hours or talk to them after class. That time is set aside to help students like you with anything you may need!

Another opportunity to form relationships is through the PAC Boot Camp. Not only does it provide a chance to develop your professional skills, but participants are paired up with a mentor in their field of study. Through this, you can gain insight from their invaluable advice and experience, as well as forge a new connection to someone you may not otherwise have known.

Start Planning Your Future

It’s never too early to start thinking about the future. Now is the perfect time to look for anything and everything to build your resume. If you already have an idea of the career you want, make sure you find ways to gain skills and experience valued by that area while you’re getting your education.

Even if you’re not currently interested in an internship, be researching. It’s a good idea to know how positions are looking in your career field, whether you’re looking at the quantity of openings or the necessary qualifications.

If you put your mind to it, you may be able to accomplish things you only dreamed possible. Get the most out of your time in the GCU Honors College!

Grand Canyon University’s Honors College offers motivated and ambitious students an enriching experience. To learn more about the opportunities available, visit our website or contact us using the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.