8 Online Jobs for College Students

Student working an online job

The flexibility of online jobs for students make them ideal for those wanting to work from home. Students can continue to take classes around their work schedule or vice versa. Online working is an option many students are both looking for and uniquely qualified for. Students who already go to school online know how to communicate effectively using technology. The skills developed from going to school online can easily transfer to remote work opportunities for students.

Jobs You Can Do From Home

1. Freelance Writing

Students with excellent written communication skills can find jobs as freelance writers. Student writers can seek jobs at websites they frequent, especially if they know a lot about a niche topic. For example, an IT student can contribute to a tech blog and an education student can write for an online teaching magazine. Other student writers might find jobs that require them to write reviews for products. To find work, build a portfolio and then search for freelance writing jobs online.

2. Social Media Influencer

Students working from home can become social media influencers who share hobbies, passions or everyday life tips with online followers. Social media influencers often give advice about things that followers have questions about. For example, there are many YouTube channels about makeup and hairstyling. Other online influencers may be comedians or people who share life hacks.

A social media influencer has to build a lot of online content and engage with their audience. This work earns influencers money through advertising and product placement. Social media influencers connect with brands in order to share them with their followers.

3. Social Media Manager

Students who spend a lot of time on social media every day may already have a few of the basic skills to be a social media manager. It is important to understand the various functions and tools of social media as well as have a solid understanding of other concepts such as marketing or design. This online job requires people to work with companies or individuals to build a community around a topic or brand. Social media managers post content like photos, videos and articles to engage an audience in conversation.

Their goal is to get people to interact with the content by leaving comments or liking posts. A social media manager builds a brand based on knowing and understanding what the audience is looking for. To get started, create a profile with a freelancing company or reach out to brands and people you want to work with.

4. Resume Writer

Many people have a hard time highlighting their skillsets on a resume and sharing what makes them unique. A resume writer can help people share their accomplishments and show companies what they have to offer.

Students working from home who are interested in becoming resume writers can learn a lot about resume writing online and apply the skills they learn almost immediately. Writing and organizational skills are important for a resume writer to have. It is also important for resume writers to know what employers are looking for when they view a resume and how to make a resume stand out from the other applications. To find this job, look for resume-writing companies or offer services to people you already know.

5. Transcriptionist

Transcriptionists listen to audio or video recordings and write down the words that are said. You may have seen closed captioning on television or movies. This is one type of transcription. Telephone calls and even court hearings may be transcribed. Transcriptionists listen to a recording and type the words into a document. This allows people who need to review the event to read through the content without having to listen to the recording or watch the video again. Students can find remote transcription work opportunities through various agencies. To find work, sign up with a transcription agency.

6. Web Designer

Nearly every business and organization has a website, and many individuals have personal websites as well. A quality website can go a long way toward attracting customers, getting sales and networking for business. Students with coding and design skills can charge clients for website design. Some websites may need updating, while others may need a complete overhaul. Students working from home doing web design can work freelance with various individuals or find contract work through a design or advertising agency. Create a profile with a freelancing company or reach out directly to companies with websites that need updating.

7. Virtual Assistant

Student workers can become virtual assistants who can help book travel, organize calendars and schedule or plan events. A student virtual assistant may also work on social media and website development. Students who are organized and productive may be able to work as a virtual assistant for several clients at a time. Virtual assistant placement agencies can help you enter this field.

8. Online Tutor

Students working from home can be very effective online tutors. Online students already know how to navigate digital learning and can help others do so. Online tutors meet with clients virtually and help them learn new topics or complete assignments. To get started, check with your campus library or tutoring center. Also post fliers at local high schools.

Tips for Finding Online Jobs for Students

Students who want to work in college have many remote work opportunities, especially with companies being more flexible about "home base" locations than ever before. Each of the online jobs for students listed above have suggestions for how to find work in those fields, but there are many more online job possibilities available. For example, freelance jobs for college students are very popular, as they consider the student is also going to school and accommodate different scheduling needs. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin your job search.

Update Your Online Profiles

A LinkedIn account can help you find online work. Set up your profile to highlight your skills. Seek testimonials from people you have worked with before, including classmates and professors. Connect with people you know who can help you network. Use the job search function to find online jobs for students.

Use Several Job Boards

Job boards can help you find online work. Be sure to search multiple job sites because some jobs may only be listed in certain places. Use the filters on the site to find remote work. Be sure to follow the application instructions closely.

Set Up an Online Portfolio

If your skillset can be demonstrated visually, make sure to have a portfolio. Add your publications, graphic designs, websites and photos to your portfolio site. Use a simple website developer. These sites have easy-to-use portfolio templates if you do not know how to build your own website. A portfolio can advertise your skills and let potential clients know how to hire you.

Work from home jobs are becoming more common. This flexible work structure can allow students the freedom to finish their studies while also earning a living. Student Services Counselors at Grand Canyon University will work with you to create a class schedule that can fit with your at-home work responsibilities, so you can go to school and earn a living at the same time.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.