Overview of Honors College General Education Classes

By Lily Cooper
Professional Writing major, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Midsection Of Woman Reading Book While Sitting At Table

As a GCU Honors College student, you will be required to take three honors general education courses including

  • UNV-109HN: Introduction to Honors Education & Academic Literacies
  • CWV-106HN: Christianity Story, Theology and Mission
  • ENG-206HN: The Power of Media: Social and Critical Approaches

Within these honors general education courses, you will be cohorted with fellow honors peers in a small class and led by an honors faculty member with exceptional academic, industry and life experience.

For honors students, UNV-109HN will replace UNV-106HN in Fall 2019; however, the course will still provide an exceptional, highly engaging and interactive learning experience. In this class, we delve deeply into philosophy, understanding morals and ethics from a global perspective and discuss essential life skills to enable students to mold and shape their worldview.

There were a few short books that accompanied the course, a couple essays, a fun service project and a group project throughout the course. As rigorous as the course description may seem, the content in interesting, engaging, necessary and helped lay the foundation for my college career.

Whether or not you identify yourself as a Christian, CWV-106HN is captivating and thought-provoking. We read different systematic theologies as well as articles on the Christian worldview. Compared to UNV-106HN/UNV-109HN, this course is a little more rigorous and reading and writing intensive. There are many readings, a few worksheets, a few group presentations and quizzes to complete.

However, the professors are beyond accommodating and willing to help and support our honors students. Most of the workload is concentrated in the beginning and the end of the course, so take advantage of your time mid-way through the course to work ahead on future assignments.

Lastly, ENG-206HN is another approach to the typical English composition course. In this class, we explored how information was disseminated in the past, evaluated how we receive information today and predicted how information will spread in the future. Most assignments involved analyzing advertisements, while others involved analyzing various modes of communication and the power of the media. This course is research, writing and project-based, with room for creativity and thoughtful exploration.

These honors general education courses are a great way to meet other like-minded honors students and engage with highly motivated and inspirational honors faculty. Therefore, take advantage of these classes to make new friends, form study groups and grow relationships with your professors.​ These courses are foundational to your college education and will shape how you approach all other college curriculum moving forward.

To learn more about how you can join a community of likeminded honors students in making change in the world, visit our website or click the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.