6 Ways to Read More Books in 2020

By Kaylor Jones

A stack of books in warm colors against a wall

Books allow people to constantly learn, and for college students, education is one of the most important things at this stage of life. The New Year is a great time to dedicate yourself to new goals, and reading, which provides people with access to some of the greatest minds of all time, from artists and scholars to philosophers and world leaders, is a fulfilling and easily achievable goal if you set your mind to it. Here are some tips to help you read more books and accomplish your reading list in 2020.

1. Set Goals

For some people, a quantifiable goal, such as “I will read two books this month,” can feel less daunting than an abstract one, like “I will read more books in 2020.” Try breaking your overall goal into smaller, more achievable milestones. One way to do this is to divide the number of pages in a book of your choice by the number of days that you would like to finish it in, thinking of it as a challenge rather than a deadline.

2. Pick the Right Books

Required readings have been known to suck the life out of even the most dedicated literature students at times. One of the most important steps toward reading more, not matter your major, is to pick books that you actually want to spend time with. Maybe you recently watched a documentary on the subject, are considering pursuing a career in the field or read some glowing reviews about the book from critics. The bottom line is that in order to read more, you need to select books you enjoy reading.

3. Watch Less TV

Yes, it may be difficult to conceive of spending less time watching your favorite show on Netflix, but reading a book is not only a way to break up the routine of binge watching, but it may even help establish a new, more healthy routine in its place. In particular, screen time before bed is known to interfere with a person’s internal schedule. Blue light, which is emitted by phone and laptop screens, can delay the release of melatonin, a hormone that helps people sleep at night1. Rather than watching The Office (again), reading a book in bed could be a sure-fire way to calm down and prepare your body for a good night’s sleep.

4. Get a Library Card

One of the biggest obstacles to reading more for those on college budget can be the price tag. If you enjoy buying books, support small businesses and shop at a local bookstore like Changing Hands. If you don’t have the budget to spend on books, get a library card. Not only is it free, but it gives you access to a quiet workspace free from distractions, as well as trained librarians.

5. Choose the Right Format

There might not be enough time to sit down and read during a busy day of class and work. Never fear – with today’s technology, there’s more than just one way to enjoy a good book. Audio books are a prime example of this. Download your pick onto your device, via Audible, Sribd or even YouTube, and listen to it during your daily commute, while standing in line at Chick-fil-A or while waiting for your professor to trek all the way from the parking garage to Building 42.

6. Find a Community

Meeting other people who love to read is a great way to hold yourself accountable while building connections. There are plenty of opportunities on campus for students in any subject area to get involved. You can start your own book club with a group of like-minded friends and share opinions, progress and book recommendations.

To learn more about the resources available to students at Grand Canyon University, visit our website or click the Request Information button on this page to get started on your journey to find your purpose.

  1. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/how-blue-light-affects-kids-sleep

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.