Spotlight: Club Sports Medicine Team

GCU student in the sports medicine room with a technician

Grand Canyon University’s Club Sports Medicine team strives to provide student-athletes in the club sports program with healthcare of the highest quality. Our team plays a critical role in promoting a safe environment for club sports student-athletes, and we utilize research-based therapeutic techniques that are the most advanced in sports medicine.

What Sets the Club Sports Medicine Team Apart?

As part of our mission to provide club sports teams with the best possible healthcare, the club sports medicine team endeavors to ensure optimum mental, emotional and physical health for each club student-athlete. These efforts help prepare students to excel in their club sports experiences and beyond.

The focus of GCU’s sports medicine team surpasses providing first aid. Instead, it encompasses overall education and service to support the health and wellness of club student-athletes. Additionally, when it comes to clinical athletic training techniques and education promoting GCU’s mission, the club sports medicine team is a recognized authority.

Our goal is also to keep our club student-athletes safe and healthy, with a focus on injury prevention. If an injury does occur, the Club Sports Medicine team works with our club student-athletes on rehabilitation so that they can safely get back on the field.

What Should New Club Student-Athletes Know?

Before being cleared by the club sports medicine staff to participate in any workouts, practices or competitions, new club sports student-athletes must undergo a physical or turn in a physical form that was completed within the past 12 months. Also, they must create an account with the Athletic Trainer System Portal, fill in the necessary information and follow any additional instructions. Student-athletes must also upload back and front images of their primary insurance card to their ATS profile. Finally, incoming student-athletes who will be participating in any contact sports must complete a baseline concussion test.

Grand Canyon University’s focus is to provide a quality education for each of our learners. If you’d like to discover more about our club sports program, then visit our website or click the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.