United by Purpose: Job Development

city buildings

Jobs are necessities that allow us to live and support our families, and Grand Canyon University (GCU) is committed to supporting business development in the surrounding community. Watch this video to learn about the true story of West Phoenix’s transformation, which we call United by Purpose, and how GCU is supporting job growth in its surrounding neighborhoods.

People need jobs, but Grand Canyon University students are looking for a meaningful occupation, a rewarding career and their professional calling. The time that students spend at GCU becomes a journey of discovery as they search for their purpose, explore their passion and prepare for a career.

To help foster transformative community growth, GCU hopes that its graduates will follow their career ambitions here in West Phoenix, where they can meet the growing demand for leadership, talent, skills, innovation and entrepreneurship. Also, as one of the 20 largest employers in Phoenix, we believe we owe it to the community to help it prosper. This belief represents one reason why we have developed enterprises, like the GCU Hotel and Canyon 49 Grill, to create more employment opportunities.

After 4 years of hard work, GCU graduates are equipped to join the community as part of a robust labor force. However, jobs are necessary to employ people, and this requirement is what drives our employment-generating initiatives for the community and university.

GCU is taking action to attract businesses to the area and create more employment opportunities for the West Phoenix community. The university will provide professionals to fulfill these jobs, and our goal is to rejuvenate this area and create a flourishing employment hub where achieving success and entering the workforce becomes a life-changing opportunity that is available to all.

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Grand Canyon University is committed to transforming the surrounding neighborhoods and providing our learners with a quality education that supports their career goals. To find out more, please visit our website or use the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.