Why Every College Student Needs a LinkedIn

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Like a resume, a LinkedIn account provides a professional with an online presence and easy access to their experience, achievements and other details. For college students entering the real world for the first time, it is important to cover all bases and make it easy for employers to find you! Every college student should have an active LinkedIn for various reasons.

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a social networking site built for business men and women. It’s a place where people looking to hire and people looking for jobs can meet. You can post jobs, upload resumes and your achievements as well as skills and experience. LinkedIn allows you to document a network of people you know and respect in the professional field.

Why Should I Get One?

LinkedIn is a powerful tool to have when going out in the real world. Employers can find your profile and get a sense of who you are and your personality just from a glimpse. People can also endorse you for certain skills which further qualifies you for other opportunities when employers look for candidates. Here are five reasons why you need one:

1. Networking

It’s basically a network social media site; the easiest way to network without leaving your home! It’s all about who you know and LinkedIn helps you build up your community to open doors. You never know what kind of connection will help you get that dream job so it’s important to always update your LinkedIn and make valuable connections and relationships.

2. Careers

Having an updated LinkedIn profile can help you immensely when job-searching. Recruiters will approach you based on your skills and experience. It is also a good place to be updated on what your colleagues are up to. What jobs have they done? What internship did they recently complete? What certification did they just get? Being able to see these will help you when you are looking for a job or internship to help propel you into your dream field.

3. Having an Online Presence

While LinkedIn is a good tool to market yourself to companies, it is also a great social media tool. The site and app allows you to post links, share and like other posts. You can easily connect and create relationships with other hardworking individuals. Who knows, one may even end up pointing you to your new job.

It also acts as a great way for people to get to know you and your personality. By utilizing that online presence and getting acquainted with other workers, you can show off who you are and why you are best for the position you are applying towards.

4. Branding

In a world of roses, be a sunflower. It’s all about standing out from the crowd and personal branding helps you do just that. You have control of what people think of you by your online presence and you can easily do this on your LinkedIn profile. It’s the place where you’re allowed to brag and be your best self. Showcase those endorsements, talk about your accomplishments and bring out the recommendations. No one else knows you better than you and people are researching you anyway. You might as well make sure what they find is positive and professional.

5. Finding Jobs

Not only can you be found for jobs but you can find and apply for jobs via LinkedIn! While LinkedIn will send you suggestions based on your experience and skills, you can simply search a keyword and find thousands of open jobs that you are qualified for. It’s all in one place and you aren’t jumping from website-to-website submitting resumes.

Having a good online presence is a vital part of getting your dream job. Contact the Career Resources to schedule an appointment with a career advisor. To learn even more, press the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.