Why You Should Hang Out at the Library

By Holly Christman
MLS, Reference Librarian

gcu library

Here a few reasons why you should hang out at the Grand Canyon University Library.

  1. You can eat, study and meet up with friends.
    Sound too good to be true? It’s not! We encourage students to spend time at the library. Sure, you need to focus on work – that’s why we provide study rooms, work tables and comfy chairs – but, we understand that after all that hard work you may need a snack or a few minutes to catch up with friends. So go ahead, munch over your research, catch up with you BFF’s while writing your paper and when you’re done, stretch out on one of our couches and relax!
  2. We have skeletons in our closets- literally!
    As our biology students probably already know, the GCU Library offers non-traditional materials, namely our boxes of anatomical models. Are you a hands-on learner and need to handle something in order to commit it to heart? Good news! You can check out models of skeletal sections or even a full skeleton on the fourth floor, just inquire at the information desk. Fun fact: each model skull is named after a character in “Hamlet,” pretty cool, right?
  3. Librarians are nice and WANT to help you.
    We hear many students say that they wait to ask for help because they don’t want to “bother” the librarian. GCU librarians are trained professionals who know how to search out articles on many topics. Our job is to support YOU and we love our jobs! So, the next time you hit a wall in your research, just ask for a librarian and you’ll get one with a smile.
  4. Cool talks and events
    The library is home to lectures, exhibits and events throughout the year. They are the best kept secret on campus. We host guest speakers, traveling exhibits and showcase banned books plus much more. Check it out sometime, you could be part of something really special at your campus library!
  5. Resources, resources, resources!!!
    Everyone knows that the best reason to hang out at the library is to find information. We have print books, eBooks, journals, DVDs, computers, printers, Wi-Fi, group study rooms, library instruction classes and expert librarians. At the GCU Library, you can get all your work done, learn a new skill or just check out a DVD for movie night.
  6. The View
    The GCU Library has a spectacular panoramic view of the campus grounds and surrounding area. Want to feel as though you are standing on top of a mountain in the sunshine, but still have a Wi-Fi connection for your tablet or laptop? We have you covered. The picturesque view from the library will have you stopping to take it all in.

There are a lot of reasons why hanging out at the library is cool. But, don’t take our word for it. Drop by and see for yourself what the GCU Library has to offer.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.