3 Personality Traits That Mean You Should Be a Professional Writer

By Lindsay Marquette
Student, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

person writing in a journal and on a computer

Professional writing is one of the most overlooked professions in America today. People think that writing is a bit of a joke, because when they hear that someone is a writer, they quickly make an assumption that writers do not make any money and that they just sit around toying with ideas for a novel.

This is very untrue; the writing world is full of new opportunities and judging by the quality of the average American’s use of grammar, we could use a few more professional writers in the workforce. If the idea of being a professional writer sounds at all interesting to you and you think you may have what it takes, keep reading, because I have three personality traits that I have observed throughout my college career that most professional writers possess.


You are a tad obsessive

Although this may sound like a negative trait and don’t get me wrong, it has its annoying moments, it really is a good thing. Being somewhat obsessive can translate into perfectionism, which is a trait that is actually very useful in the working world. Granted, a lot of people are perfectionists in America, partially because a lot of jobs require it; however, I have noticed that almost every single person I have encountered who is in the professional writing major is somewhat obsessive about everything in their writing being perfect. This includes grammar, spelling and the overall quality of their work. This is a great trait to have in the professional writing world.

You find it almost impossible not to correct your friends’ grammar and spelling errors

Anytime that you text your friends and they use an incorrect spelling, or their grammar is wrong, you have an impossibly intense urge to correct them and it takes all of your willpower to just ignore it. Once your friends have realized that you have a deep and somewhat unsettling desire to correct their grammatical and spelling mistakes, they figure they may as well ask you to help proofread their essays. Although annoying at times, this trait is great to have in the world of writing.

You legitimately enjoy researching things in your free time

Research is something that most people, especially students, view as a chore. It can be time consuming and can require a surprising amount of effort, energy and perseverance, so finding people who actually find it exciting or interesting is rare. If you are one of the few people who truly enjoys research and even does it in your free time, there’s a good chance that you would enjoy and succeed in a writing career.

Each of these three traits are extremely beneficial in the writing world, so if you have any or all of these, consider becoming a professional writer! Although you don’t have to have these traits to be a successful writer, they can be indicators of your compatibility with writing. At the end of the day, do what you love!

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.