5 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Journalism

woman writing in a notebook

Do you have a passion for writing? Consider earning a Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing for New Media. With this degree, you will develop a wide array of writing skills that can prepare you for many different careers, including those in the exciting field of journalism. Continue reading to learn about five reasons to pursue a career in journalism:

Discover New Things

If you love learning new things, journalism may be the perfect field for you. As a journalist, part of your job will be to inquire new information and ask “why?” questions to find out more. In your professional writing degree program, you will explore many different areas that will enrich critical thinking and analysis. Overall, this will prepare you to successfully gather information and communicate through your writing.

Work in the Field

As a journalist, you will be able to apply the concepts you learn hands-on. Rather than spending your days doing tedious tasks, you will have the opportunity to work with different people in a variety of settings. In addition, being a journalist can provide you with the chance to travel to new places to cover stories.

Interact with All Kinds of People

Do you consider yourself to be a people person? With a journalism career, you will meet many new people that you may not have met otherwise. You will get to know people from all walks of life and have the opportunity to hear their stories. This can allow you to gain a new perspective that will benefit you both in your career and life.

Build Your Network

In today’s world, networking is a valuable skill to have. As a journalist, you will work with others to accomplish tasks, which will teach you how to work as a team and provide you with opportunities to build your professional network. The connections you make can benefit you in your career and lead to opportunities further down the road!

Pursue an Exciting Career

There will always be news to report, and there will always be the need for effective communicators to report it. While advancements in technology may change the way a career in journalism looks, there continues to be a need for those who are skilled in different kinds of writing. By becoming a journalist, you can take part in the excitement as the field continues to grow and change!

Grand Canyon University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences is committed to helping you advance your ability to think critically, apply analytical constructs and communicate complex ideas clearly. To learn more about GCU, visit our website or use the Request More Information button at the top of the page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.