A Day in the Life Of a Public Relations Specialist

By Kennedy Lane
Professional Writing Major, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Public relations specialist drawing a diagram

If you are looking to work in public relations after graduation, employers are looking for people who have a degree in communications, English or business. Grand Canyon University offers all of these and the college of humanities and social sciences offers communications and English degrees.

Public relations specialists are also called communications specialists and media specialists. They handle an organization’s communication with the public, including consumers, investors, reporters, and other media specialists.

Public relations specialists typically do the following:

  • Write press releases and prepare information for the media
  • Respond to information requests from the media
  • Help clients communicate effectively with the public
  • Help maintain their organization’s corporate image and identity
  • Draft speeches and arrange interviews for an organization’s top executives
  • Evaluate advertising and promotion programs to determine whether they are compatible with their organization’s public relations efforts

Keeping the Company’s Image

As a public relations specialist, you help the company that you working for maintain a good image and interact effectively with the public. In the event of a crisis in the media world and in the eyes of the public, you are the one to help keep it under control and clear up any misunderstandings and choose the information that gets released to the public.

You help the company communicate with the public and keep a good image , you clear up misunderstandings to the public and help the company successfully get through any PR crises’. You are the one who releases information to the public and choose what gets released. You have to think wisely about what gets released so the information does not get taken out of context amongst the public and makes the company look bad. You are there to make sure the company looks good at all times.

Making Decisions

You will write the speeches and arrange interviews for the company’s top executives. You decide what they tell the public about the company and how it should be said. Presentation is everything and you choose how all information about the company is released and presented. You choose the time and the place and most importantly, the words that are being said.

Being a public relations specialist is a big responsibility, but also an honor to make these big decisions for a company.

To learn more about Grand Canyon University’s Communications degree program and what it entails, visit our website or click the Request More Information Button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.