How Innovative Communication Has Created Positive Change

Communication today is more complex than it has ever been.1 Is it more convenient? Sure! Does it always produce the results you want? Not necessarily. Has innovation helped or hindered communication? From the advent of the telegraph in the 1800s to the robotic process animation today, the human race has certainly evolved in the way we communicate, whether it be at home, in social situations or at work among colleagues.
Gone are the days when a simple type-written memo sent out to all employees would suffice. Today for example, we use employee portals to manage a lot of communication. Various forms of communication are employed to reach multiple levels of our audience. Learners today need innovative communication in order to be engaged and remain relevant in this digital age.
Innovative communication technology has permeated all aspects of our lives and we need to embrace it. To thrive in this current climate, it is imperative to move forward with innovation. Communication innovations have become a fixture not just in our professional lives but also in our personal lives. Door Dash? Uber Eats? Viewing a hotel room virtually before booking it online from the comfort of your home? These are just minor examples of how innovation has helped create some efficiencies in our lives.
In This Article:
4 Ways Innovation Has Been Positive in Modern Communication
In addition to creating efficiencies, let’s look at four ways advancements in communication have a positive impact on our lives.
1. Innovative Communication Helps the Student
Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. believe that parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies, like smartphones and social media, as a reason.2 Should I give my 11-year-old child a mobile phone? they wonder. Why do they need a Chrome book for school? they ask.
Students learn differently. Some are more visual learners than others. Some need to “do” something in order to learn. Using innovative communication technology can help cater to all students and has proven to be helpful. For example, let’s take reading and see how communication innovations have positively helped in this subject area.
In one study, researcher Lei Song explains how children's interactive literature books based on augmented reality (AR) form a virtual combination effect by integrating virtual information and real scenes and can display virtual three-dimensional scenes and play sounds while reading children's literature books. This technology helps transform the single reading method of traditional literary books into an immersive experience. The combination of dynamic and static is of great significance for improving children's reading interest and promoting perceptual ability.3
The current generation of students, be it in the K-12 system or in postsecondary education, require more than the chalk and talk approach of teaching. They want to be engaged, to see videos and to involve themselves in the learning process. Examples of in-class technology can include using apps to help students answer questions anonymously or submitting assignments via a student portal.
Another example is the success of online learning at the college level. Without advancements in communication, many working adults and non-traditional students would not have the flexibility or convenience needed to pursue a degree. At Grand Canyon University, nearly 90,000 online students were enrolled in Fall 2022, and the number of students learning through a digital online platform continues to grow.4
2. Communication Innovations Help Generate Ideas and Stimulate Creativity
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been both a boon and a bane. Used accurately and ethically it can help someone start a project, assignment or prepare for a meeting. This, coupled with the education received in college, can help boost confidence and mental state of mind as well. It provides a wide array of possibilities that we may not have considered before. Creativity can blossom!
The positive aspects of AI is prevalent in many industries. For example, a group at Mount Sinai used deep learning-based AI algorithms to predict the development of diseases with 94% accuracy, including cancers of liver, rectum and prostate. Thanks to published cancer research, clinical trials and drug development, there's a plethora of data that AI can help to review and then guide healthcare decision-making.5
Other examples of successful, positive use of communication innovations can be found in Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook. They all use innovative communication technologies, such as Amazon Go, Siri and Face ID features, in their business to help their customers. Customer satisfaction can only improve if businesses know how to shift their business model based on innovative communications technology.
Innovative communication also provides an opportunity for anyone to bring new ideas and solutions to the table. Anonymous communication can help bring people and their input to the forefront. In the classroom, for example, a teacher can use a program such as, which allows students to respond anonymously. This can help the shy or anxious student be engaged with the lesson.
3. Innovative Communication Technology Helps the World Stay Connected
Does anyone remember aerogrammes? That was how people communicated to their family and friends in other countries many years ago. International telephone calls were costly, and we had to watch how many minutes we spoke because it was billed by the minute.
Today, thanks to the innovations in communication, we can communicate instantly to nearly anyone around the world. Digital platforms like FaceTime, Facebook and WhatsApp allow us to video call our friends around the globe at no cost. All you need is a smart device and internet access. Employees can work easily with colleagues from another city, state or country. Children can talk to their parents anytime, anywhere. We can check on our front door from miles away through a security camera. These are just a few examples of how communication innovations and achievement in communication help the world stay connected.
Innovative communication technology can help us innovate more. During COVID, we were all required to seek other methods of staying connected. We innovated improved platforms, such as better file-sharing methods and online meeting platforms.
4. Advancements in Communication Keeps Us Relevant
Information overload, anyone? With innovative communication, we are thrust even more into a fast-paced world that demands our instant response to a message, tweet or post. We get information on our phones and social media accounts sometimes even when we are not seeking it. Gone are the days of the 24-hour lead time before something becomes news.
For example, in the field of public relations, when a crisis occurs now, we see it unfold live. This is due, in no small part, to innovative communication technologies and our interconnected world. PR professionals do not have hours to plan and prepare a response anymore. The journalists do not have the extra time to write detailed copy. The news cycle isn’t 24 hours anymore. It could even be minutes! Journalists write and publish what they know in real time, and update constantly, especially in online media. The print media may publish a special edition just to be current.
We are instantly able to know what’s going on in another part of the country or even in another country. We can learn the results of an election in Indonesia instantly or learn the new TikTok dances by following the current influencers. On a more serious note, we can get updates on the latest medical news, world events and political climates. With drones showing us live feeds of forest fires, for example, we are better able to manage them. Innovative communication can help us be current and being current can help save lives. We cannot be left behind when the world is moving ahead.
One can argue that innovation has its limitation, but doesn’t everything? The positives far outweigh the negatives. If we are resistant to change and to the ever-growing advancement in communications, we will surely remain stagnant. We need to move with and embrace the innovations in communication. Use it ethically, use it for good and use it to improve our lives.
Earn Your Communication Degree at GCU
At GCU, we offer several communication degree emphases that teach students how to use innovative communication and technology to help prepare them for a career in a variety of fields.
Students who choose the broadcasting and new media emphasis will be taught the skills to digitally produce videos, podcasts, press releases and social media stories. They also have the opportunity to explore the culture of new media and how to best use it. GCU has a media lab and students can benefit from the experience of knowledgeable instructors who have worked in the field. In the interpersonal communication and human relationships emphasis program, courses guide students on how to facilitate communication across various cultures and how to apply them to digital or online platforms.
To learn more about growing your skills in innovative communication at GCU, complete the form on this page to speak with a university counselor.
1 Epperson, J. (2020, August 23). 7 Reasons Why Communication Is Difficult. Clear Points Messaging. Retrieved July 13, 2023.
2 Auxier, B., Anderson, M., Perrin, A. & Turner, E. (2020, July 28). Parenting Children in the Age of Screens. Pew Research Center. Retrieved July 13, 2023.
3 Song, L. (2022, May). Research on the Auxiliary Application of Computer Big Data Technology in Digital Children's Books. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Technology, Communication and Information (ICETCI), Changchun, China, 2022, pp. 650-653, DOI: 10.1109/ICETCI55101.2022.9832257.
4 Includes students who have participated in an online class in August or September 2022 and does not include students in a cohort program.
5 Marr, B. (2020, June 22). 10 Wonderful Examples of Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Good. Forbes. Retrieved July 13, 2023.
Approved by faculty for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences on July 21, 2023.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.