How Long Does it Take to Earn a Communications Degree?

Communication is the foundation of interpersonal and organizational relationships. If you are interested in pursuing your career in a field such as human resources, media relations, law or journalism then you might benefit from earning a degree in communications. The answer to the question “How long does it take to get a communications degree?” depends on many specific factors. It typically takes longer to earn a bachelor’s degree than a master’s degree, for example. The length of time your degree program will last also depends on whether you enroll as a part-time or full-time student.
Earning Your Bachelor of Arts in Communications
Most students earning a bachelor’s degree in any major can expect to spend around four years as a full-time student. The requirements for graduation will vary from one school to the next. For instance, at Grand Canyon University a minimum of 120 credits are required for graduation. Communications majors can expect to take courses that cover topics such as the following:
- Small group communication
- Intercultural communication
- Conflict resolution
- Negotiation strategies
- Principles of public relations
- Organizational communication
During your freshman year, you will most likely take introductory courses designed to teach you the fundamentals of communication. As you progress to the sophomore year and beyond, you will delve more deeply into these topics and sharpen your own communication skills.
Earning Your Master of Arts in Communications
Earning your master’s degree will enhance your career qualifications and enable you to pursue high-level positions. Some people choose to earn a master’s degree immediately after they earn a bachelor’s degree. If you plan to enroll as a full-time master’s degree student, you might complete your degree in just one year. However, it is more common for working professionals to earn a master’s degree while they continue to meet their workplace obligations. If you intend on working full-time while going to school part-time, your master’s degree might take two to three years to complete.
The graduation requirements for a master’s program differs from one university to the next. At GCU, the Master of Arts in Communication with an Emphasis in Education requires the completion of 34 credits. Many graduate students decide to enroll in online classes. These provide greater flexibility for working professionals. At GCU, most of the online courses for the master’s degree in communications take eight weeks to complete.
Applying Smart Time Management Strategies
Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, it is important to use time management strategies to support your academic success. Each time you receive your course schedule for the upcoming semester, you should identify blocks of time that you can use to study and complete assignments. If you are a graduate student, examine your schedule to find stretches of time that you can use for your academic obligations.
Many students and professionals alike struggle with procrastination. It may help to adjust your mindset. For instance, people often set goals for completing an assignment within a set period of time. Instead, decide how much time you must devote to that assignment right now. Set your timer and work until that block of time is over. This is known as the Pomodoro technique, and it can be effective for helping you get started on assignments despite a tendency to procrastinate.
Grand Canyon University offers flexible degree options for undergraduate and graduate students. If you are just beginning your postsecondary education, you can apply to admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Communications program. If you already hold a bachelor’s degree, consider applying to the Master of Arts in Communication with an Emphasis in Education degree program, which is thoughtfully designed for future educators and leaders. To learn more about the College of Humanities and Sciences, visit our website or click on the Request Information button on the page.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.