Tips for Snagging the Perfect Editorial Internship

hands typing on a laptop

As an aspiring editor, I know first-hand how competitive it can get out there. It feels like there is always someone better or more experienced than you. However, these tips can help give you the edge needed to get that sought-after internship.

1. Get Experience

Experience is key to getting an editor and it’s not too late to have some! Work for your college newspaper or blog to get your work published and out in the world. You can even join writing-relevant clubs at your university to not only learn more about the wide-range industry but to have that experience to put on your resume and make connections.

Grand Canyon University has many opportunities on campus such as Write On, WriteyMcWriteFace – Professional Writing, Odyssey Online: Grand Canyon University, Friends of the Pen, Her Campus and GCU Today.

There is also a large magnitude of writing workshops across Phoenix whether it be at GCU or a separate organization. Research it and find the ones that fit your interest best and attend!

2. Do Your Research

Take your time and look at every type of company and their needs and requirements. Write it all down on a piece of paper to keep track. List the name of the company, contact information, what you need to have to apply, where they are located and any other relevant information.

Check out the small companies, the big companies; anything you can find. Don’t disregard a company just because it isn’t “well-known” enough. Often, those are the places where you grow the most.

3. Check Your Grammar

The last thing you want is your resume or cover letter to be littered with typos and grammar errors. Considering you want to be an editor, that would be embarrassing.

Download Grammarly to help with the small mistakes and catch the pesky missing commas. Then, have someone read it through for you. After they check it, get another pair of eyes. You can never have too many people checking your grammar. Sometimes, it takes a second set of eyes that aren’t your own to catch a missing period.

At Grand Canyon University, you can take your resume to the Career Resources and they will help you craft an effective resume and cover letter.

4. Get a Letter of Recommendation

A few nice words go a long way. If you’ve had any previous experience in writing or editing, ask your supervisor for that job for a letter of recommendation. It’s a great thing to have generally for any job because then the employer can get a sense of who you are and your work ethic. Ask your English professors as well; they would be more than happy to help you succeed.

5. Writing Samples

A lot of editorial internships require that you submit a writing sample of some kind. They may already have a prompt for you to write from, or ask you to send in work you have had published in the past. Regardless, be sure to check it for errors and grammar mistakes. Also, if you have the choice to send in any sample, choose a relevant sample to the company and editorial job.

6. The Interview

Interviews can be nerve-racking, especially if you really want the job. The interview is where you show the employer who you are and that you are the person for the position. Some of the best tips for interviewing include: dress professional, smile, have a firm handshake, bring a copy of your resume and cover letter with you and practice beforehand. You also want to learn more about the company before you go into the interview. It’s important to know their mission statement and how they came about.

7. Thank You Letter

After the interview, send a letter to the employer, thanking them for the interview. A note goes a long way and if it’s handwritten, you’re golden.

Utilize these tips and you’ll be well on your way to getting your dream editorial internship! It may not happen right away, but keep on trying and you will get there.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.