4 Ways to Prepare for Medical School

By Jessica Bara

books with stethoscope on top

Do you have dreams of attending medical school, but are worried about the work load, time commitment and dedication it requires? Preparing for advanced schooling can be an intimidating, yet rewarding process! To help you in this transition, here are four tips that will better prepare you and lead you to success in medical school:  

Choose the Right Major

Pursuing an advanced medical degree can be challenging. Thus, earning a degree that truly prepares you for medical school, as well as the career you want, is of great benefit. Many students at GCU decide to enroll in the Bachelor of Science in Biology with an Emphasis in Pre-Medicine program because of its versatility and value. The program prepares students for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and includes a range of subjects, such as global health issues and ethical principles in healthcare.

Stay Organized

It can become easy to brush assignments, studying and other responsibilities to the side, including medical school applications! However, it is extremely important to stay organized while in school. Create a schedule for yourself, and make note of the time you have throughout the day to dedicate to studying, filling out applications and working on homework assignments. By developing an organizational system and schedule, you will be able to stay on top of your work!

Make Connections

Grand Canyon University has incredible resources, including the very people that you will be learning from and learning with. Networking with professors, fellow students and advisors can be a smart move for your future career. When you take the time to get to know these professionals, you will be creating a bond, maybe even a mentorship, which will be useful for when you head off to medical school. These people can offer advice and encouragement, as well as potential employment opportunities!

Stay Motivated

Because of all the responsibilities that preparing for medical school entails, it can be difficult to stay motivated. For a bit of a pick-me-up, reward yourself by spending time with friends and family! Those you love can be some of the most foundational and vital people within your support system. By spending time with them, you will already feel more encouraged and motivated to keep going!

Preparing for medical school can be a challenging, yet exciting process. By following these tips, you will have a head start and a prepared work ethic to earn your advanced medical degree.

Grand Canyon University offers pre-professional biology programs to help you prepare for medical school, pharmacy school and more. To find out more about our degree programs in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, visit our website or contact us using the Request More Information button at the top of the page.

Written by Jessica Baral, a senior majoring in communication at GCU.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.