Appreciating Athletic Trainers

a group of athletic trainers

What is an athletic trainer? An athletic trainer is an allied health professional trained in the following domains of medicine:

  • Injury and illness prevention and wellness protection
  • Clinical evaluation and diagnosis
  • Immediate and emergency care
  • Treatment and rehabilitation
  • Organizational and professional health and well-being


The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) represents and supports 39,000 members of the athletic training profession employed in the following settings: professional sports, colleges and universities, high schools, clinics and hospitals, corporate and industrial settings and military branches.

Every March, NATA sponsors a campaign for awareness of athletic trainers. Here at Grand Canyon University’s College of Nursing and Healthcare Professions, our students enjoy and celebrate National Athletic Training Month by participating in events around campus and the Phoenix area.

In spring 2015, our students participated in Arizona Athletic Trainer Day at the Capitol. Students sat in and conducted meetings with members of the House of Representatives and Senate, educating them on what athletic trainers do for the health care of an athlete and the surrounding community.

Students also participated in other events for National Athletic Training Month, including attending a Phoenix Coyotes game, taking part in penny wars and providing guest lecturers on campus for their club.

Wherever you are, please remember to appreciate your athletic trainer or athletic training faculty. I encourage you to appreciate them each and every month for the services they provide.

Without athletic trainers, the realm of sports would be a harsh and unsafe environment for even the toughest athlete. God bless our health care providers and allow them to continue their great work!

Learn more about the athletic training program at GCU by visiting our website.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.