Go Red for Women

By Dulce Ruelas
Faculty, College of Nursing and Health Care Professionals

four women laughing together

February is Go Red for Women from the American Heart Association. This is a movement to inspire, mobilize and potentially change lifestyles around heart disease. Did you know that there are one in three women in the United States that are living with some form of cardiovascular disease (American Heart Association, 2019)? There are many preventative measures that we can take throughout our life.  As a woman and teaching public health it is important for me to share with you that the more we know, the better opportunities we provide ourselves to be in better health. We should know the symptoms of a heart attack and stroke. We must be aware if we are living with heart disease.


Here are some risk factors that you should discuss with your healthcare provider:

  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Lack of regular activity
  • Obesity or overweight
  • Diabetes

Healthy living is an everyday choice. According to the American Heart Association (2019), there are many factors you can control with even modest modifications in diet and lifestyle it may improve your heart health by 80%, be sure to:

  • Add color to your healthy eating
  • Eat smart
  • Check your mental health and well-being
  • Assess your sleep habits
  • Look at your stress management
  • Get active
  • Stay motivated
  • Walk

Finally, here are some myths that everyone should be conscious of as we move towards healthier choices. Myth: Heart disease is just for men. Fact: Heart disease affects more women than men. Myth: Heart disease is for the older population. Fact: Heart disease affects women of all ages. Finally, Myth: Heart disease does not affect women that are physical fit. Fact: The risk factors of eating those mentioned above affect heart disease.  Take the time to to learn more about heart disease and how you can commit to better health:

https://www.goredforwomen.org/en/know-your-risk/commit-to-better-health It is never too early or too late to address your heart health. What you do today affects your lifespan..

Your education at Grand Canyon University combines modern knowledge and technical skills with Christ’s wisdom. If a career in health care management is your calling in life, click on the Request More Information button at the top of our website. You can apply today for admission to our Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration degree program, offered by the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions.


American Heart Association. (2019).  About heart disease in women.  Retrieved from https://www.goredforwomen.org/en/about-heart-disease-in-women

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.