What a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Can Do for You

By Xochitl Wilson
Faculty, College of Nursing and Health Care Professions

woman cutting vegetables

It truly is March Madness! From Basketball, Registered Dietician Nutritionist Day on March 13 and National Nutrition Month, so many delightful things to celebrate this month. All in honor of our health and wellbeing.

We need factual information as well as how a proper nourishment affects health and combats disease. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (2019) state to rely on qualified professionals in the field as they are the subject matter expert. Of course, you should always consult with your medical provider as well; they can provide you resources to a qualified Dietician or Nutritionist (always fact check, Google may not always point you in the right direction). We often hear of so many fad diets and new food products to try, so before spending your hard-earned money, speak with a qualified individual that can guide you.

Healthy living does not require you to spend your entire bank account. Taking simple and moderate steps in your lifestyle can get you healthy. Dieticians and Nutritionists alike can guide you through implementing small changes in your daily routine to get you feeling well. We live in a fast-paced life especially if you are juggling work and school. Sometimes we forget to eat, or we eat once or twice a day, which can cause havoc on our metabolism. Not just our metabolism but our brain (mental and spiritual) and how we handle our day. We have all heard how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is! We need to begin our day properly fueled to face the day. Just like, we need gas for our car to run, our bodies too! Change your mindset to fuel is food. Food that will provide the necessary nutrients to sustain us physically, emotionally and mentally.

For those of us that juggle multiple life activities, packing and stacking up on snacks or light meals can not only improve our health but also minimize our spending on food that main not be as nutritious. Time your meals/snacks, we all have a handy cell phone, set reminders to eat and take short walks throughout the day, that’s if you’re not already trekking through a large campus.

Don’t make the process difficult. Plan your meals ahead of time; create a grocery list and have fun cooking. If you have a community garden nearby, stop by. They usually offer fresh produce for a cheap cost or free if you volunteer in the garden. Our main campus offers Farmers Market from 11 am-2 pm twice a week for $8, you can fill a brown bag; so be sure to stop by.

Tip: Find an expert http://www.eatright.org/, click the Red Find an expert button, then plug in your zip code.

The College of Nursing and Health Care Professions helps students prepare for rewarding careers in the healthcare field. Learn more by visiting our website or contacting us using the green Request More Information button at the top of the page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.