Top 10 Nursing Degree Career Options


Many nurses enjoy their careers because every day brings new experiences and challenges. A nursing degree also allows graduates to pursue a variety of roles and career options. Students considering a BSN may wonder what you can do with a nursing degree, while mid-career nurses, or those with an advanced degree such as an MSN, may be looking for jobs that offer something different.

1. Bedside Nurse

Working in a hospital is a common early job for nurses with an RN or BSN. Many hospitals help nurses obtain advanced degrees because they value the knowledge their nurses gain in educational programs and recognize the impact this knowledge has on direct patient care.

2. Medical Practice or Clinic Nurse

Nurses seeking a 9-5 schedule are drawn to working in private medical practices and clinics alongside physicians and nurse practitioners. Nurses working in these settings primarily address preventative and rehabilitative care rather than acute and emergent care. . There may be more educational and administrative responsibilities, in addition to direct patient care, for these nurses.

3. Research Lab Work

Research labs hire nurses because of their extensive science and clinical training. Nurses who work in clinical research settings work in collaboration with scientists and statisticians to develop research protocols and implement procedures when clinical research trials are underway. Some nurses also work in scientific and data labs to run tests and develop new procedures. These nurses may have direct contact with consumers or patients enrolled in clinical research trials.

4. Nursing Care in Long Term, Transitional, and Palliative Settings

Long term, transitional, and palliative settings such as rehabilitation centers, transitional homes, and long-term care facilities require nurses in numerous roles. In these settings, nurses provide direct client care, education to families, referrals for ongoing care, and general support for vulnerable populations.

5. Pharmaceutical and Medical Product Sales

Nurses interested in business and technology may find they are best suited for jobs in the pharmaceutical or medical product industries. In these roles, nurses provide information that aid in the development of new protocols and products that benefit the general population

6. Nurse Legal Consultant

Many nurses assist in consulting roles for hospitals, local health departments, schools, insurance companies and law firms.. Nurses provide their professional opinion about claims including malpractice, negligence, and patient safety.

7. Nurse Educator

Established nurses seek to share their knowledge and expertise with the next generation. There are many teaching roles available in classrooms, clinical settings, skills labs, and even online for trained and experienced nurses

8. Correctional Nursing

Nurses are needed in jails and detention centers. They provide care for patients in prison including wellness checks and administration of medication.

9. Telehealth

The growing trend in healthcare is the remote delivery of health care services; in particular to those living in rural and underserved areas of the country. Using a variety of technologies, nurses can connect to patients to perform assessments, develop diagnoses, and provide education.

10 Nutrition and Wellness

Nurses are needed in community and public health programs across the country. . Occupational, community health and wellness programs are managed by nurses who provide much needed education and advocacy.

To see where your nursing career can take you, earn your advanced degree at Grand Canyon University today. When you earn a degree like the MSN in Nursing Education you can move from bedside care to just about any working environment that may challenge and interest you.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.