Artificial Intelligence in Nursing: Changing the Industry

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In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, technology plays a crucial role in enhancing patient care and improving efficiency. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the nursing profession, offering a range of innovative tools and applications that can transform the way nurses deliver care.1

For aspiring nursing students, understanding the potential of artificial intelligence in nursing is essential to staying at the forefront of this evolving field. In this article, we will explore the various ways nurses can leverage AI technologies to provide exceptional patient care and optimize healthcare outcomes.

In This Article:

AI and Nursing: Streamlining Administrative Tasks

One of the challenges nurses face in their daily routine is the responsibility of administrative tasks. These tasks consume valuable time and often distract nurses from providing direct patient care. AI-powered tools, such as voice recognition software and natural language processing, are here to help. These examples of AI in nursing can help automate documentation, enabling nurses to focus more on patient interaction and critical thinking. For instance, voice recognition software allows nurses in some healthcare settings to verbally dictate notes, which are then transcribed into the patient's electronic health record, saving nurses time that would otherwise be spent typing or writing by hand. This not only reduces paperwork but also can streamline administrative tasks, potentially empowering nurses to work more efficiently and deliver higher-quality care.

The use of AI in administrative tasks can significantly reduce the risk of errors, ensuring that patient records are accurate and up to date. For example, in some healthcare settings, AI can cross-reference medications and dosages, flagging any potential discrepancies or interactions that may have been missed in a manual review. This, in turn, can enhance the safety and quality of care provided. Moreover, when nursing and artificial intelligence work together, AI can assist in appointment scheduling, ensuring that patients receive timely responses and reducing the chances of missed appointments. This comprehensive approach to administrative tasks is beneficial not only for nurses but also for patients and healthcare organizations.2

These examples demonstrate how AI can improve not only efficiency but also patient safety and the overall quality of care. For nursing students, understanding these practical examples of AI in nursing and administrative tasks is crucial because it underscores the positive impact that technology can have on their future nursing practice. It is essential for current nursing students to appreciate how AI might reduce the administrative burden, thereby allowing more time and energy to be dedicated to direct patient care and clinical decision making.

Enhancing Diagnosis and Treatment

AI is making great strides in assisting with diagnosis and treatment decisions. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of patient data — including medical records, lab results and imaging scans — to identify patterns, predict disease progression and recommend appropriate interventions. This transformative capability of AI is evident in numerous areas of healthcare, and nursing students should be aware of the profound impact it can have on patient care.3

For instance, AI can assist in the early detection of diseases by recognizing subtle patterns in diagnostic images such as X-rays, MRIs and CT scans. When an AI system is fed thousands of historical images and their corresponding diagnoses, it can quickly and accurately analyze new images. This not only can expedite the diagnostic process but also can increase the chances of early intervention, which is often crucial for better patient outcomes.3

AI-powered decision support systems can help make more accurate and timely diagnoses. These systems can process and interpret patient data — including symptoms, medical history and laboratory results — to suggest potential diagnoses or recommend further tests. This may reduce the margin of error and enhance diagnostic accuracy, benefiting patients.

In addition to diagnosis, artificial intelligence can play a pivotal role in tailoring treatment plans for individual patients. By analyzing vast datasets of treatment outcomes and patient profiles, AI systems can assist with appropriate interventions, medications and therapies.2 This personalized approach to treatment takes into account each patient's unique characteristics, ensuring that the care provided is not only evidence-based but also tailored to their specific needs. Overall, the integration of AI into diagnosis and treatment is a powerful advancement in healthcare.

Personalized Patient Care With Artificial Intelligence in Nursing

AI provides personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs. Smart monitoring systems equipped with AI algorithms can continuously analyze patient data, detecting subtle changes in vital signs and alerting nurses to potential complications. This real-time monitoring enables proactive intervention and early detection of deteriorating conditions, reducing the risk of adverse events.

AI can assist in tailoring medication regimens to individual patients. It can take into account not only a patient's medical history, but also their genetic makeup, to predict how they may respond to specific medications. For example, if a patient has a genetic predisposition to a certain type of drug sensitivity, AI can alert the medical staff to explore alternative treatment options, ensuring that the patient receives the most effective and safe medications. This level of personalization in medication management can enhance both the patient's health outcomes and their overall experience with healthcare.

AI can also be used to develop personalized care plans and interventions by analyzing a patient's historical health data and their response to various treatments. These plans can include dietary recommendations, exercise regimens and lifestyle modifications, all tailored to the patient's specific needs and goals. For nursing students, grasping the potential of AI in personalizing patient care is a critical aspect of their education, as it empowers them to adopt a patient-centered approach to healthcare. This approach not only promotes better health outcomes but also strengthens the nurse-patient relationship, fostering trust and confidence in the care provided.

AI's role in personalizing patient care extends far beyond monitoring vital signs. It encompasses medication management, the development of tailored care plans, and a deeper understanding of the individual patient's unique healthcare needs. This level of personalization represents a significant advancement in nursing practice, and nursing students should be prepared to harness the power of artificial intelligence in nursing to offer more effective, personalized and patient-centric care.

Enhancing Patient Education

Nurses play a pivotal role in patient education, as they empower patients to actively participate in their own care. In this regard, nursing and artificial intelligence applications offer an array of innovative resources to revolutionize the way patients are educated. These AI-powered applications can provide interactive educational resources, virtual simulations and personalized health coaching, enabling nurses to enhance patient understanding and engagement.

One notable way AI enhances patient education is through the development of personalized care plans. AI algorithms can analyze a patient's medical history, current condition and treatment plan to create customized educational materials. For instance, a patient with diabetes may receive tailored information about managing blood sugar levels, diet and exercise, while a patient with heart disease might access resources focused on cardiac health. Nursing students can benefit from AI in this context by learning how to utilize these personalized care plans to effectively deliver patient-specific education.

Virtual simulations are another powerful tool made possible by AI. These simulations can recreate practical healthcare scenarios, allowing patients to actively engage in the learning process. Additionally, nursing students can use these simulations to educate patients about medical procedures, from basic wound care techniques to more complex scenarios such as managing chronic conditions. By allowing patients to interact with these virtual environments, nurses can ensure that patients not only understand the information but can also practice vital skills in a risk-free setting.

AI-powered virtual health coaches are a further development that nursing students should explore. These virtual coaches can provide ongoing guidance and support to patients, reminding them to take medications, follow their treatment plans and make healthy lifestyle choices. This proactive approach can significantly improve patient adherence and health outcomes. Nursing students are encouraged to learn how to incorporate these virtual health coaches into their patient care routines, creating a more comprehensive and continuous educational experience for their patients.

AI can also analyze patient data to identify specific gaps in a patient's understanding of their condition or treatment. It can then generate targeted educational content to address these gaps, ensuring that patients receive the information they need most. This personalized approach to patient education can significantly improve patient engagement and self-care.

Embracing these examples of AI in nursing is a skill that can not only enhances nurses’ ability to educate patients effectively but can also keep them at the forefront of healthcare innovation. As nurses gain proficiency in using these technologies, they can become better equipped to help patients take charge of their health and well-being, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes and a more engaged and informed patient population.

Ethical Considerations When Using Artificial Intelligence in Nursing

Although AI offers numerous benefits to nursing, it is crucial for nursing students to understand the ethical considerations surrounding its use. After all, maintaining the human touch and providing compassionate care remains at the core of nursing practice. Nurses must learn how to integrate AI technologies while preserving the essential elements of empathy, active listening and patient-centered care. Balancing the use of AI with human connection is vital to ensuring that patients feel valued and supported throughout their healthcare journey.

As the healthcare industry embraces AI, nurses have a unique opportunity to leverage these technologies to transform patient care. Nursing students exploring the field should embrace the potential of AI in enhancing efficiency, accuracy and personalized care delivery. By using AI tools to streamline administrative tasks, enhance diagnosis and treatment, personalize patient care and facilitate patient education, nurses can optimize their practice and drive better health outcomes. However, it is crucial to remember that AI should complement — rather than replace — the human touch and the compassionate nature of nursing. By striking the right balance between technology and human connection, nurses may make a significant, positive impact in their patients’ lives.

Are you ready to start your healthcare journey at Grand Canyon University, where you can experience the synergy of knowledgeable faculty and technology? Explore the exciting opportunities available within GCU’s nursing and healthcare degree programs through the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions. Embrace the potential that awaits you. 

1 Booth, R. G., Strudwick, G., McBride, S., O’Connor, S., & Solano López, A. L. (2021, June 14). How the nursing profession should adapt for a digital future. The BMJ. Retrieved on Nov. 10, 2023.

Davenport, T., Hongsermeier, T., & McCord, K. (2018, December 13). Using AI to Improve Electronic Health Records. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved on Nov. 10, 2023.

 3 Martinez-Ortigosa, A., Martinez-Granados, A., Gil-Hernández, E., Rodriguez-Arrastia, M., Ropero-Padilla, C., & Roman, P. (2023). Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Care: A Systematic Review. Journal of Nursing Management, 2023(3219127), e3219127. Retrieved on Nov. 10, 2023.

Approved by the dean of the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions on March 4, 2024.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
