Happy Thanksgiving from the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions

nurse holding a cross in hands

Thanksgiving provides an opportunity to reflect on what is important and give thanks for the blessings in our lives. As a public health professional, Thanksgiving is an especially good time to be thankful for the gift of health and the ability to promote health as a profession.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time for me to give thanks to God for the opportunity to educate and train the next generation of public health professionals. It is an honor and a privilege to serve my students in this capacity.

Here are some additional thoughts about Thanksgiving from my fellow colleagues in the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions at Grand Canyon University:

“Thanksgiving, to me, is a time to be thankful and share from the abundance that God has blessed us with. It is a time to reflect upon all of our blessings and to focus on positives in our lives and not to dwell on negative thoughts. Our thankfulness means having grateful hearts for all our family, friends, coworkers and neighbors. Sharing a Thanksgiving meal is a blessing to all who sit at your table. Actually, every day is a day to give thanks to the Lord for everything!” – Linda Sharp, Assistant Professor of Nursing

“Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the kindness and mercy of God, which allow me to serve others as a health care provider. It reminds me that health is blessing that I shouldn’t take for granted. [Giving thanks is important to me because] it is the first step in fighting sin in my life and ‘fixing my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith.’ It is the perspective I need to endure and maintain peace in my heart.” – Michael McKinney, Instructor and Clinical Coordinator of Athletic Training

“With all the things happening in the world today, I am thankful to be a health care professional in the United States. Sometimes, it’s difficult for us to understand what health care is like for so many people around the world and how lucky we are to have the system we have here today. It’s important for me to give thanks to God. Ten years ago, I didn’t know what my purpose was or where my future was going to lead me. Today, I am thankful to know that I am right where God wanted me. He showed me the way and taught me many lessons. I am thankful to be where I am today and making a difference in my students’ lives.” – Pascale Lee, Lead Faculty of Health Care Administration

“Being a nurse at Thanksgiving is a true blessing. Nurses work on holidays when most folks are home celebrating. While this might make some bitter, it was never the case for me as a caring professional nurse. Remembering that people need nurses to care for them in a fully present way, serving as ‘the hands of God,’ is comforting to those who’d rather be with their loved ones. There is a magnificence in celebrating a season of gratitude with your patients, families and colleagues. It reminds us all of the many gifts and prosperity that has been bestowed upon us and the promise of deliverance, even through difficult times. Giving thanks for our daily abundance and having an ‘attitude of gratitude’ adds critical perspective to our lives. While Thanksgiving was in celebration of a bountiful harvest, greater meaning can be found if you look for it. A worthy walk that pleases God occurs in those who both recognize and stay occupied with God as their Heavenly Father, their very source and benefactor of life (Romans 11:36).” – Melanie Logue, Dean of the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions

From all of us in the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions, we wish you a happy, healthy and blessed Thanksgiving holiday! To learn more about our college or health care and nursing degree programs, request more information.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
