Why Should Nurses Work for Magnet Hospitals?

Nurses in a huddle

In 1993, the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center (ANCC) began awarding Magnet status to hospitals that satisfied a set of criteria that measured the strength and quality of their nursing. A Magnet hospital delivers excellent patient outcomes, with a high level of job satisfaction for nurses, a low nursing staff turnover rate and appropriate grievance resolution. One of the criteria of the Magnet status is that nurse leaders must have at least a Bachelor of Science in Nursing – and many of these hospitals specifically seek BSN-prepared nurses to staff a majority of their nursing positions in an effort to deliver better patient outcomes.

Why do Nurses Want to Work at Magnet Hospitals?

Obtaining Magnet status shows that a hospital strives to achieve a high standard of patient care. According to a Gallup survey, Magnet hospitals are safer, experiencing 7.1% fewer safety-related workplace incidents. A hospital with Magnet status is also appealing for nurses, as it shows that the hospital has taken steps to exhibit their commitment to employee satisfaction. The Gallup survey shows that not only are nurses at hospitals with Magnet designation happier, but the hospitals themselves also have a lower turnover rate than the industry average.

Why do Hospitals Want More BSN-Prepared Nurses?

The Institute of Medicine made a strong recommendation that 80% of the nursing workforce have a BSN degree by 2020. Many hospitals, regardless of Magnet status, are looking to increase their number of BSN-prepared nurses due to their experience and better patient outcomes. This, in turn, gives hospitals a better reputation and status. That means by advancing your education and earning your BSN, you may be better able to serve your patients and also open the doors to more job opportunities.

If you strive to work at a Magnet hospital, now is the time to advance your education with an RN to BSN. You can earn this degree in as few as 16 months! Learn more by visiting our website or clicking the Request More Information button to talk to a GCU university counselor.



  • Gerardo, Pete. “Should I work for a Magnet Hospital?” Nurse.org. Retrieved from: nurse.org/articles/magnet-hospitals

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
