The 48 Hour Film Challenge

Clapperboard on set

Are you an aspiring writer or filmmaker? Do you love to live life behind the camera? If so, Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Arts in Digital Film with an Emphasis in Production might be just for you.

The university’s BA in film production degree program gives students a strong foundation for storytelling and offers many opportunities to receive hands-on experience where they can use what they learned in real life.

One of the amazing opportunities that Grand Canyon University offers is the 48-Hour Film Challenge. Read below for more details about it!

What Is the 48 Hour Film Challenge?

If you see a bunch of students running around campus carrying cameras and filming, don’t worry. It’s just students participating in the challenge. This free event is for everyone with some creativity, a camera and a love for digital storytelling. It is made to challenge students and have them embrace their talents—all within 48 hours.

About fifty people participate and are spread across six teams. Each team receives a genre, a prop and a line of dialogue randomly at the kick-off. It all has to be incorporated into the final film which is shown 48 hours later for the public.

Grand Canyon University’s challenge was in October and judged by full-time and adjunct faculty. The 2018 winner was: “The Bumbleboys.” They won three of the four awards: best technical, best director and best overall. Another film called, “Static” won the best story award.

This event is done twice a year, so if you are afraid you missed the fall event, don’t worry, UAT hosts it in the spring so you have another chance to get in on the fun. Be sure to gather your team, pull your creativity together and have fun!

If you want to learn more about Grand Canyon University’s arts program within the College of Fine Arts and Production, check out our website or click the Request More Information button on this page.

Written by Lily Cooper, a professional writing major.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.