Discover the Benefits of Attending a Dress Rehearsal

A dress rehearsal is the final rehearsal of a live show. It is where everything is done as if it was a live performance to make sure everything is perfect for the actual show. This is a very important aspect of the show as a performer and also very beneficial for a fan watching from the seats. You can see the team work, blood, sweat and tears that is put into a show. Check out the benefits from viewing a dress rehearsal down below:
Live performances are truly based on teamwork. If there was one less person in the show, then the entire production would be skewed. Everyone has a job that is vital to the entire show and contributes their all. That being said, watching a dress rehearsal allows you to see that teamwork come into the light. The orchestra, actors, lighting crew, backstage managers, etc. all have to come together to make a production what it is.
Respect is something almost every child has heard multiple times in their life and it stays especially true in the theatre. From the actors, to the managers, respect has to go all the way around for a production to truly be a success.
It is also important to know that everyone makes mistakes and it is bound to happen sometimes. Encouraging one-another and helping fellow teammates when things go off track is key. Your favorite singers don’t stop the show when they miss a step in a dance do they? No, they stay professional and smile through it all because these things happen to everyone.
Ever heard of practice makes perfect? Well one of the biggest reasons for having a dress rehearsal is to improve the production and make sure all the bumps and bruises are smoothed out.
The most talented people practice – that’s how they get to be where they are. It may seem unnecessary sometimes, especially if it already seems so perfect, but it never hurts. This unwavering dedication to better themselves can inspire the audience to keep practicing in whatever they love to do.
Dress rehearsals are extremely vital to the overall production of a show. While it benefits the people apart of the event, it is also good for others to sit in and watch a rehearsal. The practice-makes-perfect mantra can easily be implemented in all aspects of life from students to workers. On top of it all, seeing the family aspect and all the respect the cast and crew show another is an inspiring thing to see.
Grand Canyon University offers preview nights for Ethington Theatre productions. It is on the day before opening night, Thursday at 7 p.m. and is open to the students and staff. It’s a great opportunity for people who couldn’t obtain tickets to the regular shows or have a conflict in schedule. Be sure to stop in to support the local arts, get a peek behind the scenes and have a lot of fun.
If you want to learn more about Grand Canyon University’s arts program within the College of Fine Arts and Production, check out our website or click the Request More Information button on this page.
Written by Lily Cooper, a professional writing major.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.