The 4 Cs of Parenting

Adults who grew up in dysfunctional families may question their own parenting abilities. They understand that they did not have role models to show them how to positively influence their own children. Counselors who specialize in family dynamics can help parents understand how to positively influence their child’s development.
Graduates from the Masters of Science in Mental Health and Wellness with an Emphasis in Family Dynamics degree at Grand Canyon University can work with parents to best understand how prior experience may influence their parenting and to work toward embracing healthy, balanced family dynamics in the future.
Family dynamics counselors can offer parents many ideas about how to help their children feel loved and taken care of. One way that counselors may help is by reminding parents of the four C’s of successful parenting
1. Care
Parents who care show acceptance and affection to their children. They recognize that children enter the world with their own temperaments and they support their children in becoming independent. Parents who care do not withhold physical or emotional affection. They praise their children and offer physical signs of love to show care.
2. Consistency
Routine and a stable environment are extremely important in positive child development. Children who know what to expect can become more confident in how their family and parents support them. Consistency in time and routine is important so that children get used to what comes next.
Additionally, consistency in parental reactions is important. Children need to know that when they do something wrong, they can expect their parents to respond in a certain way and not be afraid of that response.
3. Choices
Letting children become independent can be difficult for parents, especially those whose own parents were overbearing. However, the end goal of parenting is to help form individuals who can independently contribute to society. By developing autonomy when children are young, they begin to experience small degrees of independence.
Parents who let their children try things and explore the world around them give their children choice and control over their own decisions and outcomes.
4. Consequences
In parenting, consequences can be both positive and negative. Consequences are a result of actions or choices taken. In some cases, a child who does a good deed or is helpful will receive positive consequences such as an increase in allowance or a smile from a parent.
When a child chooses to do something that is harmful or against the rules, they may receive negative consequences such as a timeout or the lack of a privilege. Parents need to instill a system of positive and negative consequences in children so that they understand that their choices have repercussions in the broader world.
If you are interested in working with families to develop positive parenting skills, then the role of a family dynamics counselor maybe the right one for you. Learn more about the programs offered by Grand Canyon University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences by visiting our website or clicking on the Request More Information Button at the top of this page.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.