4 Reasons to Earn a Prevention Science Degree

White outline of a person's head has teals and blues on left and multicolors on the right

Access to preventive healthcare is a fundamental human need. Sometimes, the importance of preventive mental healthcare is overlooked in favor of screenings for physical health problems. If you are someone who is interested in mental health, you probably already understand that the body and mind work together, and that being sound of mind and body are both essential for a person’s overall quality of life. If you are looking for a way to give back to your community, consider earning a Master of Science in Mental Health and Wellness with an Emphasis in Prevention.

Make a Difference

Mental health disorders are not always thought of in terms of prevention. There is quite a lot that remains to be discovered about the causes and risk factors of mental health disorders, but what researchers do know for certain is that at least some of those risk factors are modifiable. For instance, a person’s risk of mental health disorders can be affected by:

  • Substance abuse
  • Childhood neglect or abuse
  • Difficulty coping with traumatic experiences and everyday stress
  • Parental detachment
  • Lack of healthy relationships

When you are working with an individual, you cannot change anything that may have happened in that person’s past. But you can help that person develop resiliency and strong coping skills. You can make a difference in someone’s life by helping him or her come to terms with traumatic experiences and figure out how to move forward in a positive way.

Help Families Build Strong Relationships

Strong, healthy family relationships are essential. Earning your master’s degree in prevention science will give you the opportunity to help build strong families. You can teach families about the importance of healthy parenting skills and parental involvement in their children’s lives. Families may struggle with communication breakdowns and with adversities like divorce, poverty and substance abuse. By working directly with families to help them learn how to support each other and communicate positively, you can help reduce the risk of mental health disorders.

Strengthen Your Community

Preventive mental healthcare builds better communities. This is because mental health disorders are not just an individual or family problem, but they are also a public health issue. High rates of mental health disorders tend to be associated with higher rates of homelessness, high school dropouts, teen pregnancies, suicide and substance abuse. With your master’s degree, you can put your knowledge and skills to good use making a positive, lasting difference in your own community.

Help End the Stigma Associated with Mental Health Disorders

All too often, mental health disorders are seen as a character flaw or a sign of weakness. These beliefs simply are not true, but the damage they can cause is real. Because of the stigma of mental health disorders, people might not seek treatment when they need it, and they might not turn to their family and friends for solace. By working directly in your community as a preventive mental healthcare specialist, you can educate others and help put an end to this stigma.

Start making a positive impact today by pursuing a Master of Science in Mental Health and Wellness with an Emphasis on Prevention degree. Apply to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Grand Canyon University and earn your non-licensure degree online or via evening classes. To learn more, navigate over to the Request More Information button.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.