Beautiful Adventure: A Journey to Philippines, Part 2

group of kids smiling

A Grand Canyon University student traveled to the Philippines on a global outreach trip in March 2015. Follow her mission trip this week to see how her team, the Filipino people and the Lord would captured her heart.


How can smiles like this be living in complete and utter poverty?

Our first experience in a “feeding” is at The Tent City, one of the largest slums in the Philippines. As our cars pull through the mess of shacks and dirt roads, we witness kids running home to grab any container they can find and racing to line up for food.

What appears to be mass chaos on the outside is God’s intention on the inside… snuggles with babies, soccer games with the boys, Bible study with women and dances lessons with the kids.

Joy can be found regardless of empty bowls, humidity and language barriers.

Missed earlier parts of this series? Read Beautiful Adventure: A Journey to Philippines, Part 1

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.