Community Connection: Feed My Starving Children

Feed my starving children magazine

Get involved in your local community! Each week, Grand Canyon University Director of Church Relations Billy Thrall sits down with local charities and non-profits to discuss upcoming events and how you can get involved.

Recently, Billy spoke with Janine Skinner, development adviser at Feed My Starving Children. If Janine looks or sounds familiar, it could be because she has appeared on Community Connection three times over the last year.

Each visit has allowed Janine to share about a ministry opportunity that she truly feels blessed to have been (and still be) a part of over the years. Janine started as a volunteer within the organization, and is now in charge of the entire state of Arizona.

Get to Know Feed My Starving Children  

Feed My Starving Children is a Christian non-profit that works in the hunger-relief business. Through the help of volunteers, scientifically engineered meals are packed and shipped to starving people in more than 70 countries all over the world.

The ministry work of Feed My Starving Children is close to Billy Thrall’s heart as well. Not only does he have a passion and drive to pack on a regular basis, but his wife also has even traveled to Haiti with the organization to help provide relief.

Grand Canyon University partners with this organization regularly as well. Lopes Give Hope has coordinated a packing event at one of the local permanent sites. Lopes Give Hope is a biannual event where all members of the GCU family are invited to participate in community outreach in their hometowns. Students may complete outreach with an organization that has personal meaning or that they are currently involved in.

Get Involved

Event: FMSC Epic Mobile Pack
Dates: Friday, July 24 – Sunday, July 26
Location: Phoenix Convention Center

The event is already sponsored, but 5,000 volunteers are needed to help pack 1 million meals!

Additional information is available on the Feed My Starving Children’s website, and Janine can be reached directly at:

Tune in to Community Connection on Sundays from 2-3 p.m. on 1360 KPXQ Faith Talk Radio for more information.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
