Trending Faith: Behind the Scenes with Dr. Hiles

Dr. Hiles

Grand Canyon University Dean of the College of Theology Jason Hiles, PhD, gave viewers some background on what it is like to be on the set of Trending Faith and what he does in his role here at GCU.

At GCU, in addition to serving as a dean, Dr. Hiles works with other deans, assistant deans and professors to integrate faith into various fields of study.

Dr. Hiles explained his favorite parts of Trending Faith: “What I really like is that we have to compress our answers and bring the conversation down to a level that is accessible to the average person.

“That challenges me, because it’s one thing to know something where you can go on and on for hours. It’s a different level when you can actually touch the highlights, compress it and share those thoughts with people who don’t necessarily share your technical language.”

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