Trending Faith: Can We Sabotage God’s Plans?

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Can we sabotage God’s plans for our life?

On this week’s episode of Trending Faith, Grand Canyon University Pastor and Dean of Students Tim Griffin and Dean of the College of Theology Jason Hiles, PhD, sat down to discuss this question.

“God has an incredible ability to weave together our lives and experiences into accomplishing His purposes in the world,” Pastor Tim said.

However, this may not always be as clear as we think.

We often assume certain details about stories in Scripture and that these details were exactly as they were to be played out. However, if we were to take the perspective of Paul or Moses, for example, the details may have unfolded differently from their own human experience. God’s plan may not have been clear to them all of the time like we may think.

Unfortunately, God doesn’t give us a road map that we can follow step-by-step for our lives to unfold perfectly. We may struggle because we feel as though other people hear God’s plan for their life and we do not, but God is always at work in our lives.

As Christians, we are to live with integrity, kindness and love, and there are many ways this can be seen in our individual lives. We may not always hear God’s voice telling us to go do something, but He will guide our path so that we have opportunities to share His love with others.

Ultimately, we do not need to be anxious about missing the perfect will of God. Pastor Tim said, “The perfect will of God is found in being obedient to Him wherever we find ourselves.”

To hear the full discussion, as well as Dr. Hiles’ response, watch the video below:

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.