Trending Faith: How Do I Not Worry?

Student worrying under the Trending Faith logo

This week’s Trending Faith discusses the effects of worry and anxiety in our daily lives, and the art (or practice) of overcoming these mental and emotional hurdles.

GCU Pastor and Dean of Students Tim Griffin joins College of Theology Dean Jason Hiles, PhD, to address mental roadblocks and biblical references which can be helpful in thwarting daily worry and anxiousness.

In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus references the life of a bird – building a nest, finding food and flying – as an example of living a simple life.

Humans, however, are more complicated creatures, but trusting God and His plan for each of us is often the best way to be calm and maintain control. Maintaining focus on what’s truly important in life – work, school, family, charity, etc. – allows all of the extraneous energies and efforts to fall where they may.

“It always turns to prayer,” Pastor Griffin said. “The truth of the matter is if we’re going to develop our spiritual walk, it’s going to be directly related to an ongoing conversation with God that we find in Jesus Christ. If we’re in that kind of relationship, in that kind of communication and fellowship, so many things grow from that.

“It’s pretty clear it’s a challenge to not worry, but to trust, and ultimately, wrestle through behaving and thinking in a way that God’s going to take care of things if I’ll just take care of what He’s given me to be responsible for.”

Watch the full video to hear the discussion:

[link url="pcpWrb61RKA" class="youtube"]Text[/link]

Get inspired and let go of your worries! Read our Weekly Devotional about getting a fresh start this school year. If you would like the chance to hear your questions answered, email them to or use #trendingfaith.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.