Trending Faith: Making Christ the Center of Christmas

ornament on a Christmas tree

How do I make Christ the center of Christmas?

On this week’s episode of Trending Faith, Grand Canyon University Pastor and Dean of Students Tim Griffin and Dean of the College of Theology Jason Hiles, PhD, discussed this question.

Pastor Tim began by discussing how easy it is to get lost in the Christmas season and everything that comes with it, such as the food, decorations and music.

However, we must be able to look past all of these things and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Pastor Tim said that in his family, he is always intentional to create conversation about why the holiday is celebrated.

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of the Messiah, and it is important for families to find a way to bring themselves back and be reminded of this.

Pastor Tim discussed how his family keeps a notebook with passages from scripture about the Christmas story with all of their decorations. This way, when they get out the decorations each year, they are reminded to read the Christmas story and reflect on it.

In order to not be a victim of the commercialization of Christmas, we need to be intentional about discussing the true meaning of the holiday.

While it is not bad to decorate the house and listen to Christmas music, we must find a way to look past all of this and understand what the season is really about.

Hear the full discussion by watching the video below

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