Weekly Devotional: Chasing Our God-Given Opportunities

woman running

God blesses us in many ways, and in one of those ways, he presents us with opportunities. When God gives us an opportunity, it is to allow us to follow and build a stronger connection with him. It can be challenging to see whether an opportunity was given to us by God or was set to us as a distraction. In order to figure that out, let’s explore what we should do when presented with a new opportunity.

In This Article: 


When evaluating an opportunity, we need to keep a few things in mind. Is it practical, and does it align with Scripture and God’s character?

It needs to be practical because God’s wisdom and Word can relate to our lives no matter what season we’re in, whether we’re going through trials, patience or blessings. God would never tell us to go or do something that does not align with his character. He loves us and wants us to seek out his comfort and security.

Dive into his word and seek his wisdom. Pray to God about the opportunity that may be presented to you, ask for his guidance and whether it was sent by him or not.

Not every opportunity will come from God, which is something important to remember so we don’t jump in blindly. This is why discernment helps us navigate through opportunities and decisions to make the right choice.


If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. — James 1:5, NIV

Discernment means being able to make wise decisions under challenging circumstances. It’s important to have discernment as you make the choices in the opportunities presented to you. 

To fully evaluate an opportunity, we will also need Godly wisdom. There is an important distinction between Godly and worldly wisdom. Worldly wisdom will not guide you in the right direction. God knows what is best for you and the journey you must take to get to where he wants you to be. Seek God out instead of worldly knowledge.

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. — James 1:6, NIV 

When you ask God for wisdom and discernment, he will give it to you so long as you believe in him. He wants us to stand tall and to be confident in him. He wants what is best for each of us, so we must listen.

Be Prepared

Special opportunities may come your way at any moment, which is why we must stay prepared for when they come to us. If they come unexpectedly, don’t let any fear creep in and sway your decision-making. By letting fear take over, it can cause you to pass on an opportunity and miss it. Take advantage of them when they present themselves. Don’t let the enemy cause doubt and scare you from taking any action.

He wants us to be ready for when the chance or opportunity presents itself. Expect the unexpected! You never know when God might use you to spread his message or to aid in his mission. Talk to God and give him any worries you may have. Get excited for the future and the path that God has set for you. Be grateful for the opportunities that God sends your way.


For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. — 2 Corinthians 4:17, NIV

There are blessings present in our trials. We can see our troubles as opportunities. Opportunities to build us up and make us stronger. When God puts us through trials, it is not to diminish our faith, but it is to challenge us and allow us to lean on him for strength. We are not supposed to face this world alone. He is here with us and with the community he’s given to us in the church.

Through trials and tribulations, we are able to grow as a person and grow in our faith. With each opportunity may come difficulties, but we should still be grateful and faithful to God. When in doubt of an opportunity, seek God out!

Grand Canyon University is committed to helping every member of the GCU community to learn God’s Word. To learn more, look at our Christian identity and mission or our spiritual life here at GCU. Browse through our other weekly devotionals or complete the form on this page. 

Approved by the local outreach coordinator of the Office of Spiritual Life on Nov. 5, 2023.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.