Weekly Devotional: Discovering Your God-Given Talents

Young woman recording music

We hear people talk about using your talents for good, to bless others, and to make the world a better place. For those of us who feel we don’t know what our talents are, we don’t always know where to begin. This devotional will look at how to discover your God-given talents.

In This Devotional:

What Do God-Given Talents Look Like?

A talent is a natural aptitude or skill. It is something that is innate within us and is different from a developed or practiced skill. Just like you, your talents are unique and personal. No one will have a talent that looks exactly like someone else’s. God-given talents are just as special as the person they are given to.

For some, their talents may be grand and showy. For others, they may be subtle and less easy to spot. The way to tell a God-given talent apart from another talent or skill is that it aligns with your purpose and passions. God-given talents are ways that God helps give you the skills to do good in this world for his glory and plan. 

We can tell when a skill or ability is a God-given talent when it is unique to us, brings us closer to our sense of purpose and our deep passions, and can be used to do good in this world. That may be a broad description but it can help you identify what a God-given talent looks like in your life or the life of others. 

How Can I Discover Mine?

There may come a time when it becomes very clear to you what your talents are. However, being in a season of waiting can be frustrating. Everything comes in due time and sometimes the best thing we can do is simply be patient. 

However, prayer can always help. Time in prayer allows you to reflect on what skills or natural aptitudes you have, what areas of your life bring you a sense of purpose and passion, and where you see God using you. You may even pray and ask God to help reveal to you what your talents may be. 

Sometimes when looking for what we are good at, self-reflection is difficult. Another way to bring clarity during your search for your talents is to ask your community. You can hear from others and understand their perspective on what talents and skills they see in you. Being in fellowship and community with others who care about you gives you a group of people to go to for guidance. It also allows you the opportunity to practice applying some skills that you believe may be related to your talents. 

Prayer and Encouragement

Take time today to reflect during prayer on what skills come naturally to you and how you could use what you are good at to fuel your passions and create a positive impact on those around you. Remember to be patient and allow God to work in your life in his own time. If you don’t feel confident that you have skills to offer, try reaching out to your community and those who care for you and ask them their perspective on what you are talented at. 

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10NIV

As this verse in Ephesians says, God has prepared us for our purpose and has made us intentionally and with care. We were made to do good things on this earth and by embracing the skills God has already put inside of you innately, you can make this world a more beautiful place. 

Being in a college community can help you discover lots of things about yourself, including what your natural skills and talents may be. Take a look at what the campus community at Grand Canyon University has to offer, and consider applying today! Fill out the form on this page for more information.

Approved by the local outreach coordinator of the Office of Spiritual Life on Dec. 14, 2023.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.

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