Weekly Devotional: Future Plans

girl shrugging

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3)

The closing of the semester marks a period of change and transition for all students at Grand Canyon University. Whether you are graduating, moving, getting a summer job or starting summer classes, there are new exciting changes ahead – and with these changes, there will inevitably be a host of new decisions to be made.

Do I take the job? Should I go on that trip? Who will I hang out with there? Decisions like these will fight for our attention as we set out to determine what our summers will look like. Sometimes it is easy to find ourselves wanting God to just make all the decisions for us, but He is so much greater than that. He gives us such remarkable freedom with our futures and passions to pursue. He simply calls us to love Him above all else and to love others as we would love ourselves, and the rest of our questions generally fall back into these two commands.

For example, “Should I take that job?” might become “Can I glorify and honor you in this position, Lord?” You see, God’s plan is less like a rigid architectural design and more like a game plan for your favorite sport. There are rules and guidelines to ensure that the game is played safely and with the most potential for fun, but other than that, there is tremendous freedom in how you want to get the ball through the hoop!

Ultimately, God’s purpose will be accomplished no matter what. David writes in Psalm 33: 11, “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” We can see this all throughout history recorded in the Bible. No matter how many times Israel or its leaders disobeyed or hesitated to follow, God guided His people exactly where He needed them to be and brought forth a savior, just as He promised.

Does this mean what will be will be, regardless of what we do? Yes and resoundingly no; the answer is twofold. Yes, God’s purpose will ultimately prevail, but the beautiful truth is that He wants to use us – our ideas, passions, and talents!

In a sense, it is like we are playing chess with a master. There are many different combinations of routes and moves that we can take, but a master can still control the outcome of the game, regardless of whether we moved the pawn left or right. In another picture, the relationship is like a mother making cookies with her kids. Yes she could make them faster, with less of a mess and they would look better if she just did it herself, but instead, she wants to share the experience with her kids. So she lets them stir, add ingredients and pick the toppings out of her love for them and her desire to share with them.

God wants to be in our lives – not only that, He wants all of our lives! His desire is that we would acknowledge Him as Lord and live freely in the bounds He has created for our safety. He wants us to grow and make decisions for His glory and honor because doing so is the best thing for us! He is in control and He will use whatever we surrender to Him.

So this summer, when facing all of the decisions and demands of a new season in life, remember you do not have to go it alone. Invite the Lord into all you do and just watch what He will do! And if it feels overwhelming, do not be afraid to tell Him. After all, He is a good, good Father!

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8)

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.