Weekly Devotional: How to Refocus and Reprioritize Your Life

“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2, NIV)
It’s hard to imagine your future when you feel like you can just barely maintain your life in the here and now. There are so many things we do to contribute to and help craft our future lives, like going to school or saving money. And because most of us have no idea what our futures hold, the preparation of it can be difficult and discouraging.
One thing that we often discount when dealing with a busy schedule, is the importance and vitality of spending time with God. In fact, the busier you are, the more important it is to nurture our relationship with the Lord. Martin Luther, a very influential professor and priest in the Protestant Reformation, once said, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
For a college student, the task of refocusing and reprioritizing your life to center on God seems impossible, and dare I say, unproductive. We have things to do, assignments to finish, scholarships to maintain, money to make, plans to figure out, friendships to establish, etc. Spending time with God is just one more thing to add to our overflowing plates. But what if someone were to tell you that by spending time with God, despite your other commitments and responsibilities, you could be more prepared to take on your other obligations?
This isn’t to suggest that saying a prayer in the morning will make your accounting quiz on Thursday go away. Instead, it may give God the opportunity to speak peace into your life that can quiet your anxieties and help you study better. Or it may relieve some of the pressure you’ve been feeling to have it all together. Spending time with God is always more productive and more meaningful than accomplishing everything on your to-do list. When the time you would’ve spent panicking and worrying, is spent in adoration and worship of God, your life will begin to unfold without you having to pull it all together. Thursday and your accounting quiz will have come and gone, and whatever the score may be, you can be confident in who you are and whose you are.
This isn’t meant to belittle the commitments and responsibilities you have in life. Many times, in an effort to express how important our relationship with God is, others can make you feel as though you’ve committed to things that aren’t real, valid or important. That’s not true. Life is busy. Classes are hard. Work is time-consuming. A social life is good for you. Clubs and participation in other activities are healthy outlets that should be incorporated into your life. None of these things are “stupid” or “not important,” but it could be too much. You can’t balance everything in your life without first remaining faithful to God, and if that is what is beginning to slip, it may be time to reprioritize your commitments. Take time and revisit Luke 10:38-42, where Mary sat and listened to Jesus while Martha was distracted by her duties.
Don’t miss out on God because of all the other things going on in life, because you will have missed out on the most important part!
Grand Canyon University is passionate about helping all members of the GCU community grow in their personal relationship with God. To learn more about GCU’s Christian identity and heritage, visit our website or use the Request More Information button on this page.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.