Weekly Devotional: A Quiet Christmas

Weekly Devotional: Christmas lights and evergreen branches

“He says, ‘Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.’” (Psalm 46:10)

Three days until Christmas and, although things should be wrapping up and the preparation should be coming to an end, I’m sure it’s not. Our culture has mastered the art of procrastination, even when it comes to the Christmas season! Holiday shopping is chaotic – and so is house decorating, Christmas cooking… And we usually don’t give up until everything is perfect, even if that’s not until just hours before December 25.

The time period between Thanksgiving and Christmas feels shorter and shorter each year, all while the presents get bigger, the lights get brighter, and the pressure to get it right is all the more relentless.

And before you can truly, and peacefully, enjoy the holiday and all the effort that was put into the presents, feast, and decorations, it’s over. The wrapping paper is scattered across the living room floor, and people have moved past the Christmas cheer and are already looking towards preparing for the new year.

Although there’s not much we can do to slow down the pace of the season, we don’t have to rush it either. We can intentionally set time aside to appreciate the beauty and meaning of the season and to remember what it is that we are celebrating.

Okay, but do we really need to do this quietly?

I am by no means suggesting a somber or boring Christmas! Christmas is meant to be celebrated! It should be full of love, laughter, and joy, but I think there is an inner quietness and peace that should be explored as well.

With quietness comes stillness. With stillness comes the opportunity to focus, ponder and meditate on what this holiday season is all about. I find it interesting that in the time we should be closest to God, thanking Him for what He did all those years ago by sending His son to this earth, we are the most stressed and busy.

When our minds are clouded with responsibilities and checklists, we find ourselves far from God. In order to draw near to Him, we must continually prioritize Him – especially in our busy seasons because that’s when it is easy to lose sight of Him. 1 Samuel 12:16 states, “Now then, stand still and see this great thing that the Lord is about to do before your eyes!” Later in the chapter, God performs a great miracle for all of the people of Israel despite their disobedience and sinfulness. In order for the Israelites to see and recognize the miracle, Samuel had to tell them to stand still, be quiet and focus on what God was doing.

The point is this: You could miss it. Be quiet so that you can hear the Lord speak and do. Thank Him for what He has done, and take part in the joy and peace that He is so eager to give us. God had a plan in mind when He created this world and He knew that it would involve the greatest sacrifice, yet He did it anyway. He sent His son, Jesus, to be born in a manger, mocked throughout His life and, ultimately, die on the cross for each and every one of us. How amazing and good and gracious is He!

From the GCU blog team, Merry Christmas!

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.