Weekly Devotional: The Story of Mephibosheth and David

“So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, for he ate always at the king’s table. Now he was lame in both his feet.” – 2 Samuel 9:13
An interesting book in the Bible is 2 Samuel which talks about the life of David. After taking the throne through God’s will, he asked if there was any other relatives of Saul, the previous king who, in jealousy, had tried to murder him. David wanted to show Saul’s family kindness because of his bond with Saul’s son, Jonathan, who had died in war.
Johnathan had a son who was crippled and living in hiding because he was afraid that David would kill him. In those days it was common for a new king to kill the rest of the royal family, so there was no other challenger to the throne. David sent for Mephibosheth, Johnathan’s son, so he could, “show the kindness of God to him” (2 Samuel 9:3).
When Mephibosheth came to David, he was expecting to be killed and fell on his face and paid homage to him. David responded and said, “Do not fear, for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Johnathan and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father and you shall eat at my table always” (2 Samuel 9:7).
This story seems small and short when in reality, it is full of love and a reflection of God’s love. David’s promise to Johnathan’s son is like how God’s grace is to us. We are like Mephibosheth:
- We are hiding, weak, lame and fearful before the King who comes to us.
- We are separated from our King.
- We separated ourselves from the King because we didn’t know Him or His love for us.
- We must receive the King’s kindness in humility.
- The King returns to us more than what we lost when we hid from Him.
- We can eat at the King’s table.
- We have access to a relationship with Him.
- He does not immediately take away our weaknesses and lameness, but gives us a favor and standing that overcomes its sting and changes the way we think about ourselves.
- No matter who we are, what we have done, the King still loves us unconditionally.
This story, at a first look, just looks like a story, but it holds much more than that. This situation is like ours and God’s and shows the relationship we have with Him. We are weak and broken and yet God has a place for us at His table, regardless of our flaws and shortcomings. He loves us so much and wants us to get to know Him.
Go to 2 Samuel 9 and read the story with a fresh pair of eyes and see how David’s kindness is a reflection of God to us. It’s a beautiful image to read and realize that God is coming to us and inviting us to eat at His table. Accept it and get to know how great He is.
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