Weekly Devotional: Trusting the Lord with your Future

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. This will bring healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.” – Proverbs 3:5
It seems that every year, when February comes around, people start scrambling to figure out what they will be doing over the summer. Applications are filled out and internships are applied to and a pressure cooker of anxiety takes over the campus. Students want to utilize every little bit of their free time for their future career and not having a set plan can be stressful.
Then March rolls around and the ones who haven’t received any offers or figured out what they’re doing start to panic and worry.
“What am I doing this summer?”
“What will I do to help me in my future career?”
“What will I put on my resume?”
Then the ones who have options for the summer are struggling to figure out how to put the plans in action.
“How will I afford housing to do this internship?”
“Which one is best for me?”
“Should I stay home or go out of state?”
No matter which side of the penny you are on, it’s not a fun time to go through and it’s hard to get out of that funk; however, if you stop and pause for a moment, you’ll realize that you have a God who loves you unconditionally and knows what is in store for you. He has had a plan for you before you were even born.
He knows what will happen and what you will be doing over the summer. It may not be what you think you needed to do or turn out how you think it will, but God has a plan for it all. You just need to trust Him.
I read this quote off the internet and it has stayed with me ever since: If we trust a puzzle maker, to put all the pieces of the puzzle in the puzzle box, then why don’t we trust God to have every piece of the puzzle of our life?
That statement woke me up and I realized that was part of the reason why I get anxiety each time the spring semester comes around. I wasn’t trusting in His process, but rather my own.
Put your trust in God today and pray for peace over your future. He has His hand in everything, it is all going according to His plan. You just need to trust Him.
Grand Canyon University is committed to following the Lord in all circumstances. If you would like to learn more about GCU’s Christian identity and heritage or would like to read more devotionals please visit our website and check out the GCU Blog.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.