Weekly Devotional: What Do You Have to Fear?

a scared girl with glasses

“The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.” – Psalm 118:6

Everyone has fears. Some people are afraid of spiders, while others are afraid of failing a test. Some are afraid of the dark, some are afraid of never finding love and some are afraid of clowns.

Fear is a tool that the enemy uses against us. He knows every fear we have and tries to use it to prevent us from doing the things that God calls us to do. Fear stops us in our tracks and we freeze, allowing fear to eat us alive.

So how do we overcome fear?

Luckily, we have a simple answer: God. He also knows all of our fears and what causes us to run, but unlike the devil, He takes our hand, walks us through the fire and shields us from the flames. He guides us through the dark and into the light.

He may not take us away from our fears or remove us from the situation, but He will never leave as we go through it all. If we lean on Him and remind ourselves that He is on our side, we have no reason to fear.

A lot of the time we may try to overcome our fears by ourselves. That may be by confronting the fear itself or running away from it. This will always just result in failure and we will get stuck in that circle of fear, going around and around. We can only overcome fear through God and God alone.

Give every fear you have to God and watch as He fights for you and conquers the enemy. The war is already won. Jesus died and rose again for you. What more do you have to fear? The same God who made the sun and the moon is on your side.

You may feel like you’re walking blindly in the dark, with knives being thrown at you, but remember that God is protecting you. He will never leave.

So what do you have to be afraid of?

Grand Canyon University is committed to trusting God in all circumstances. If you would like to learn more about GCU’s Christian identity and heritage or would like to read more devotionals please visit our website and check out the GCU Blog.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.