Weekly Devotional: Why Worship?

By Lauren Abraham

people singing worship

“Honor the Lord for the glory of his name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” (Psalm 29:2)

When you think of worship, what comes to mind?

If you have grown up in church or have ever attended a Chapel service at Grand Canyon University, you may picture a group of people lifting their hands as they worship God through song.

Worship is a powerful thing. In the act of worship, we submit ourselves to God and acknowledge all that He has done for us. When we gather with our brothers and sisters to worship, we get a glimpse of what eternity will be like in His presence. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

But does worship stop as soon as we leave church or Chapel? Is song the only way we can worship God?

When we are surrounded by other believers in a worship setting, it can be easy to feel the presence of God and lift Him up in worship. But how can we incorporate this spirit of worship into our daily lives when we are not being led by a worship leader?

As Christians, we are called to be in a continual state of worship. Because we are thankful for what God has done for us, we realize that we can worship Him in every aspect of our lives.

For example, prayer can be a form of worship. Through prayer, we can communicate with God and thank Him for all He has done for us. We can also lift up others in prayer, which shows humility and our desire to further the Kingdom of God.

In addition, the way we treat others can be a form of worship. Romans 15:7 says, “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” By showing Christ-like love to those who God has placed in our life, we can honor Him.

Tithing can be another way to worship God. When we give back by trusting Him with our finances, we acknowledge that all of our blessings come from Him.

These are just some of the many ways to worship, and it is important to realize that worship may look different for each of us. While one person may love using their musical talent to worship Christ, someone else may worship by showing hospitality to others.

Moving forward, I encourage you to incorporate worship into your daily life. When opportunities come your way, look for ways in which you can worship Christ through them. We are all created with unique talents and abilities, and when we use them for the purpose of worship, we can come together as the body of Christ.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.