6 Ways to Show Your Teacher How Much You Appreciate Them

May 7 is national teacher appreciation day. Teachers do so much for their students, they are feeding the minds of today’s youth, the people who are going to be our future leaders. They are deserving of all of our thanks. Here are some ways that you can show your teachers how much you appreciate them.
Thank You Notes
Writing notes to your teachers are a small simple way to show them that you care and appreciate them and everything that they do. It may seem like a small gesture, but it still means a lot to them and makes them feel loved. It does not always take a grand gesture to show your teacher that you appreciate them.
Gift Cards
If you are unsure of what your teacher likes and do not know what to get them, gift cards are always a great option. They allow your teacher to go out and get themselves something that they know they will enjoy.
School Supplies
This is the time of the year that teachers start to run low on school supplies and classroom necessities. Give your teachers gifts of new dry erase markers, pencils, pens, stickers, tissues, paper and anything else that they might need. They will appreciate this gesture very much.
Find out the types of foods and snacks that your teacher likes and surprise them with it. Whether it is chocolates, popcorn or candy, they will appreciate the treat and that you thought of them and got them something that they can enjoy.
Even a gift as simple as flowers will show your teacher that you appreciate them and love them. This will make them happy and give them something to make their classroom look pretty and smell good.
Parent Volunteers
In addition to teaching in the classroom, teachers also have to chaperone and watch their students during their lunch hour and recess. Teachers hardly ever get to take a break. If you use parent volunteers to help watch students throughout recess and lunch times, it will give teachers a break to help them get organized and a break from their students for just a minute. Teachers will really appreciate the extra help.
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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.